This Sermon preached by Elder Lasserre Bradley Jr. in 1958, just prior to his coming over to the Primitive Baptists shows his apparent joy in finding a people with a doctrine and practice that he considered biblical at that time. Contrast his sermon in 1958 with the following articles he published in the Baptist Witness: A visit to Black Rock written in 1996, his defense of  Cincinnati Preachers meetings written in 1997 and his article The Old Paths written in 2002 . The contrast between the 1958 sermon and the above mentioned articles demonstrates his intentions and one can only conclude that Elder Bradley is actively promoting changing the practices of the Primitive Baptists.

A radio Sermon by Elder Lasserre Bradley Jr.
(Copied from "Identity of the true Baptist Church" volume II page 168-173)


"Stand ye in the ways, and see and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein and ye shall find rest for your souls." Jeremiah 6:16

 My text today is Jeremiah 6:16, my subject is "Asking for the Old Paths."  The text says, "Stand ye in the ways, and see and ask for the old paths, where is the good way." I feel that for the past several years, I have been looking for that good way and asking for those old paths. I started preaching about ten years ago, but even at that time I was not satisfied to believe a thing just because somebody else did, or to practice something just because it was Baptist tradition. I desired to know the truth and began to seek for it wherever I went.

 After I had been preaching for several years, the Lord brought me under the message of sovereign grace. The very first time I heard it I was made to feel that it was the truth. My experience is rather strange because I was immersed when I was six years old, and again when I was eleven; was ordained when I was sixteen, and yet never heard the gospel until I was eighteen. I fell the Lord started working in my heart when I was just a small boy and if I have truly been made a partaker of His grace it was back then, but I was not able to rejoice in it until some years later when I head the gospel of grace.

 When I heard the gospel there was a response in my heart – it told my feelings and I was made to believe that it was the truth. As soon as I heard it I came back to our church here in Cincinnati and made an effort to preach it and have been endeavoring to do  since that time. But as you might expect when I started preaching that doctrine in an Arminian church, there were some who opposed it and so eventually left our congregation. Not only was there a change in our doctrine but in our practice as well. I could no longer encourage the modern systems in the church nor approve of the many organizations that man has set up. As a matter of fact I had come to see the foolishness of a lot of this "organized religion" before I started preaching the doctrines of grace. The people that I ministered to had a desire in their hearts to see the Lord on display and because of that burden we met for an entire month, praying each night for the Lord to direct us, to bring us to the old paths, to show us the way He would have us to go, and for him to bless us in such a manner that all would know it was of God and that the flesh had absolutely nothing to do with it. We had seen just about all we cared to see of what man can do for the Lord What we desired was to see the Lord working, to see what He can do for us so that men might fall before Him and worship Him as that great Almighty God who sits upon the throne of heaven and works all things after the counsel of His own will.

 Soon these matters became a definite issue here in our church, and they had to be decided upon. So, I made clear my views concerning Seminaries, Sunday Schools, Mission Boards and Secret Societies. The majority of the church voted to support me in these convictions and since that time – almost three years ago – we have not had a Sunday School or an organization or auxiliary in our church.

 Later I saw that the gospel was not an offer or a proposition make to a dead sinner, but was good news of what Christ has already done for His people. Some of you have been listening to me on the radio for over five years, and you will recognize that during that period many changes have been made, but I think you will have to admit that they have all been in the same direction – We have been heading for the old paths.

 I have always been willing to learn truth wherever I could find it, and have had to admit both on this broadcast and in our pulpit that I have been wrong so many times. But wherever I have heard of people who believe and practice anything similar to what we do, I have made an effort to find out about them. I have talked with them, I have asked them questions, and I have learned a great deal from them. I have been looking for the old paths. People have thought that we were starting a new movement or a new denomination. But this congregation received the name "New Testament Baptist" before I ever became its pastor and it certainly has not been my desire to start anything new. I have just been trying to get back to that which is old. There are enough denominations in this world and I don't want to start a movement in which people would follow me, I just want to find the old sheep tracks, find the way the pilgrims in the past were made to walk, and find that church which Christ has established here in the World.

 There are four paths for which I have looked. First of all I have looked for the path of truth. I know if I find a true church, that particular congregation will be proclaiming the gospel, the truth, the doctrines as taught in the Bible. I have looked for that path of truth, looking for those who believe in the total depravity of man and believing that no man can come to Christ unless he is drawn. Believing that truth that is set forth when it says, "It is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy." And I have looked not only for those who believe in man's inability and his total corruption, but also those who believe in unconditional election. We know that God has chosen a people from before the foundation of the world, and predestinated them to be like His Son, Jesus Christ. That choice was not founded on anything in man but was according to His own good pleasure.

 We furthermore believe in particular redemption. The scriptures say, "Thou shalt call His name Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins." – and He did save them. He purchased them with His own precious blood. He redeemed them by dying in their stead and He will have all of those for whom He died. He died for the church, that is the church triumphant that shall stand in glory to praise him. He died for His sons, He died for His sheep, He died for His people, and there will not be one soul in hell for whom Christ died. That is the very essence of the gospel, that is the heart of it all – that Christ died for His people. He died for sinners, and that's good news to a burdened heart. Oh, when the Spirit has stripped a man of all his self-righteousness and laid him in the dust, made him to feel the burden of sin upon his back and then we preach the gospel of grace saying it is not of works, but is all of God, and that Christ is the friend of sinners – why, that poor soul shall be made to rejoice in the good news, for the gospel is good news, glad tidings to those who have been prepared to receive it by the Holy Spirit.

 I have been looking for a people who believe that, and also believe in the effectual call of the Spirit. "All that the Father giveth me shall come to me, and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." Everyone called shall come. And too, I have looked for those who believe in the final perseverance of the saints, that "the righteous shall hold on his way."

 But not only have I looked for the path of truth, I have looked for the path of experience. It is one thing for us to have these doctrines in our mind, and quite another to have the experience in our heart. My dear friends, when these things come home to us in power, then we shall be made to see and feel our corruption – not just to embrace the doctrine of total depravity, we shall be made to go down into the dark valleys, and it is then that we truly cling to Christ and rest in that precious hope that is given to God's children. I have looked for that kind of experience. I can find no fellowship among those who are always on the mountaintop and know nothing of doubts and fears. I feel like God's people are often made to question and wonder when they look at themselves. So when I find an old pilgrim who walked in the valley and passed through the fire, one who has been cast down as well as lifted up, one who speaks of his hope in the great Saviour of sinners – then I feel like I have found a friend, one with whom I can share my experiences.

 Then I've looked for a third thing – the path of sound practice. I've heard a lot of people say, "Oh, how I wish we could have a simple little church, a church where the Lord is present and manifests His power. I wish we didn't have all the organizations and systems that have been brought into the church." And then just as soon as you actually try to put that into practice they say, "wait"!  You can't do that today, times have changed."  Well, I never have been satisfied just to talk about these things – if they are good to talk about, they are good to practice.  If we believe it then we ought to obey it. If this is the way things were done back years ago, then it can be done today by the grace of God. Oh! We do desire that – to see the churches not only preach this doctrine, but practice it.  And so I have looked for that old path, for those who have actually been willing to step out and walk by faith in the Lord to direct them, and to wait upon His Spirit, and not try to put forth their efforts in the flesh, but wait upon the Lord that His name might be exalted

 And the fourth path for which I have searched is the path of love. Christ said, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, that ye have love one to another." Thought we may have the truth, and have the right experience and follow sound practice, it matters little if we have not love. The Apostle Paul said, "Though I speak with the tongue of angels and have not love, I am become as sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal." When he spoke of faith, hope, and love, he said the greatest of these is love. Everywhere I have gone across this country, people are bemoaning the fact that there is so little love manifest in the churches. There is no real evidence that they bear one another's burdens – no love.    But dear friends, that is the distinguishing mark of true Disciples of Christ, that they love one another. And I have searched for that path, I have longed to find some place in this world where there is manifest the real love of God, for that is where you find His sheep.

 Now understand the Lord has a great host of people who are elected and have been redeemed by Christ, and every one of those out of every kindred, tribe, tongue and nation in this world will stand in glory to sing the song of the Lamb. They will all be there even if they had the doctrines confused in their mind or even if they were tied up in a false religious system all their life; but I desire to be identified with that poor and afflicted people, that faithful remnant that God has called out to enjoy these things right here in this life. It says when you find the old paths to walk in them and you shall find rest for your sols.

 I admit that I have been discontent for quite some time. Oh, I've enjoyed many blessings from the Lord, but I have felt there was something missing. As I have already mentioned, I began to go into different parts of the country and visit among any group of people who claimed to believe these doctrines. I remember the first experience, when I went to a little church in Charleston, West Virginia. As I stood there that morning and watched the people pouring into the meeting house, I couldn't help but be impressed. There were people from all walks of life. Some came in fine automobiles, some I later learned were high officials in that city, -- then others came, well in automobiles that weren't so fine, and you could tell they didn't have much in this world's goods; but nevertheless they all met in the same place, enjoyed the same doctrine and manifested the same love. And when I heard the brethren preach, I heard the gospel that is most precious to my heart. I heard the doctrines of grace, not just as cold hard facts, but proclaimed in the power of the Spirit. But above all I was impressed by the love that was manifested. Though there were people of all classes – the educated and the uneducated, the rich and the poor – when they met together to worship their God there was a love manifested that I have never seen before. At the close of the service I saw the brethren embrace those who had been blessed to preach to their comfort. When I left the sweet old songs were still ringing in my ears and I felt like I had been in another world. I could hardly believe that such a thing existed in this modern age. I thought that a thing of the past. I had hoped many times to find something like it, but never really thought I would.

Following that wonderful meeting, I had some strong impressions to go among those people, but then there were some doubts and fears that came along the way. It was like when the Israelites sent the spies into Canaan, they agreed it was a good land but there were giants and the cities were walled up to the sky. That was my feeling – there were so many obstacles in my way. But I knew it was a good land and I couldn't forget it.

 It was about a year ago when I attended that little church, and since that time I have been to others of that same faith and order in about ten different states. Everywhere I have gone, though I readily admit these people are not perfect, I have found the four paths. I have found the path of truth – the gospel I love. I have found that doctrine which I endeavor to preach to you Sunday after Sunday on these broadcasts. I have found a people hat believe in God's sovereignty. They believe in total depravity, unconditional election, particular redemption, irresistible grace and the perseverance f the saints. They recognize God's sovereign rule over all things and at the same time the duty of His people to walk obediently here in the world. Then too, I have found the sound practice. These people are free from all the organizations and things that have been brought into the church by man. I have seen these people – a humble, a poor and afflicted people waiting on God and seeing Him bless in power.

Furthermore I have found the path of experience. I have found those that know what it is to pass through the dark valleys and to rejoice in the hope that is given God's little children. And I have found there the path of love – a love that I have seen nowhere else in the world.  So I have been made to fell that the Lord has fulfilled His promise when He said, "I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Though it has been persecuted down through the ages, the Lord has preserved it unto this time. As one brother said, "It's just like water, you push it down in one place and it comes up some where else." At times the church has been suppressed and put out of view for a time, the Lord has had His faithful remnant down through the years. I believe that is the kingdom where His laws are recognized and obeyed and where God's people find the rest that remaineth.

 Thus having found that love and fellowship among these people, and feeling they are the true church in the world, I desire to be identified with them. I feel that I have not had gospel baptism though I have been immersed twice. Since then I have heard the gospel of grace and  I desire to be identified with the church that peaches it. The people of which I have spoken are known in this country as PRIMITIVE BAPTIST. The name is not important, for there are some who bear the name who are not walking in the old paths, but the ones I desire to have fellowship with are the ones who are walking together in peace and love – walking in the one good way.

 Now when I say that I have found the old paths someone will think that sounds rather presumptuous and say, "You think you have arrived." No, I'm just ready to start on the journey. When you have found the road, you are just ready to go somewhere. When the children of Israel crossed over Jordan into Canaan it was then they faced their biggest battles and I expect that. But I desire to go with these people, for I consider them to be my people in doctrine and experience. Of course every member of our congregation here will have to decide about this for himself, but I am expressing how I feel about it today.

 "Ask ye for the old paths" and when you find them, walk in them and ye shall find rest for your souls. Oh, dear friends, though you might be prejudiced against what I have said, I beg you at least to give it some thought and consideration. I'm not exalting a name or a denomination, I'm just trying to say that the Lord has preserved a faithful remnant and the people who are walking in the paths that I have described have been given the name PRIMITIVE BAPTIST, and I want to be identified with them if they will have me.

 You write me this week that I might send you additional information on this subject if you are interested. And now until next week at this same time, may the Lord richly bless, you all.