Article 2
Means and Anti-Means
(Use of the Gospel in relationship to eternal life)
The use of the Gospel must be properly understood and applied if we are to stay in the old paths. If mis-applied, as history shows, it can lead to splits such as occurred in the 1800's. The terms means and anti-means were used to describe the different sides. A good explanation of the different views entertained concerning the use of the gospel during the struggle of the early 1800's is given in the excerpt below. The last view given in the excerpt is what I believe to be scriptural and the view the Old line Primitive Baptists have always maintained.
(The autobiography of Elder Wilson Thompson)
Page 326
For several years preceding the division in the Whitewater Association, a difference of opinion was known to exist among the ministry and membership of the association on certain points of doctrine. And as time advanced the differences developed themselves more and more .The point which the difference was based, was, "the use and effect of the preached gospel," One party held the view that the preaching of the gospel was a means of the conversion of sinners; and that it might be effectual to that end, it was necessary that societies and boards of missions should be formed to raise funds and employ and send out men to convert and Christianize the heather.
Another party believed that in the conversion of sinners God used the preached word as a means or medium through which His Spirit operated to that end, but that missionary boards and societies were institutions of men, and had not the sanction of God, and therefore should not be sanctioned by the church and that as the church received all her authority from Christ, as her King, she could not sanction and support institutions of men, as Christian institutions, without a sacrifice of her loyalty to Christ. Neither could the church admit that the institutions of men were adequate to the conversions of sinners of the prosperity of the cause of truth, without impeaching the wisdom of Him who hath declare that He has in the Scriptures thoroughly furnished the man of God unto all good works.
The other party in the association held the same views as the second on the subject of missions and kindred societies instituted by men, but differed from both the other parties on the use and effect of the preached gospel. They denied that the preaching of the gospel had any power to convert the dead sinner, or to give him life, and declared that man in nature was dead in trespasses and sins, and that as no means could be used to give eternal life to those who are dead in sins, that God effects that work of Himself, by His holy Spirit, without means or instruments, and that the gospel is a proclamation of good tidings, of great joy to the soul that is prepared with a hearing ear and an understanding heart to receive it. To those who thus believe it is the power of God unto salvation, and it saves them from the false doctrines of men, and feeds and makes them strong in the truth.
end of excerpt
In the above excerpt the first two parties held the erroneous view that the Gospel was used to give life. If that view were true we must conclude that being born again rest entirely with the will and obedience of man. Salvation would depend on the minister's will to preach the Gospel and the sinner's willingness to accept it. According to John 1:13 that cannot be true. "Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God."
If God used the preached word (Gospel) in the conversion of dead sinners then the minister through his obedience and faithfulness in preaching would share some of God's glory and power. There would be some people in heaven because of the work of the minister. The minister in that scheme would deserve some praise! That is a self-righteous and unholy doctrine. Those that propagate such false teaching are like those spoken of in Romans 1:25 "who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen
Recently it has been said that 'Gospel Regeneration' is once again being taught among the Primitive Baptists. I hope and pray that none of the old Baptists are accepting it. I have not heard it myself . I have heard what I believe to be a move in that direction; misapplying the use of the Gospel in relationship to enlightening the world. This misapplication has slowly crept in and has gained acceptance to the point that some among the old Baptists are poised to once again begin a 'work of man', to Spread the Gospel to the world.
Elder Claude Mckee
1497 Bailee Way S. W.
Jacksonville, Al 36265