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From the Bits and Pieces series (#506) by Elder Ralph Harris
Those who are in the love and service of sin could not rest from the burden of their sins, because they are not burdened with them. The Saviour did not address them when He said, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." They are not laboring under a heavy load of guilt, for they prefer a life of sin to a life of holiness.
Much money is being raised and great efforts are being put forth to save this class by human means, but it all ends in a complete failure. How very absurd it is to invite those who prefer a wicked life to a supposed rest to be found in becoming religious. If such are persuaded or excited to assume religious pretensions it is only heaping a burden upon them. Those who do not love holiness could have no greater burden than to attempt to practice it.
To teach that the salvation of such is conditional on their part is to teach that those who are not burdened with the hatred and distress of sin must engage in what is distasteful to them in order to be released from what does not burden them. —Elder John R. Daily Zion's Advocate, 1904.