Essential Baptist Principles Quill Selected Article Series

Editor : Elder Claude Mckee  1497 Bailee Way S. W. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265



In 1905 that able and venerable servant of God, Elder John R. Daily, expressed the accepted sentiment of the Old Baptist family in his day with regard to what is known as The Great Commission when he said: "The foundation of our peace is that we are willing to be nothing but Old Baptists.  None of us believe that the commission given by Christ to His apostles was intended to be laid upon the church as a body, which false idea has been the parent of all the Missionary machinery that has ever been invented."---Zion's Advocate, October 1905.  But many of our people are ignorant of the fact that one of the main errors that the leaders of the modern liberal movement are contending for is that the commission was given to the church instead of to the apostles and ministry.  They take this position because it is the only way they can see to fund their so-called missionary excursions into other countries.

    Instead of relying on the Lord to see that they are provided for by the people among whom they claim the Lord is sending them, they require the churches here in America to make up the funds in their own field in order to finance labor in other fields.  This is very clearly not the Scriptural way, and I wish all our people would wake up to that fact.  If the Lord sends a man on a mission, He will see to it that the man's needs are met in the field where he is sent.  If his needs are not met in that field then it is evident that he was mistaken about being sent of the Lord in the first place.

    Elder Daily very aptly pointed out that the very foundation of our peace rests upon our willingness to be nothing but Old Line Primitive Baptists.  Those who are pushing the liberal agenda have proven that they are not willing to occupy that ground, and of course the peace has consequently been broken.  The guilt of this breach rests solely upon the heads of those who want to modernize the Old Baptists and make them more acceptable to the religious world.  Some of us are determined that by the grace of God we will remain on the original ground that Elder Daily and all our other faithful old forefathers occupied and not surrender an inch of it.

    ---Elder Ralph Harris