Essential Baptist Principles Quill Selected Article Series
Editor : Elder Claude Mckee  1497 Bailee Way S. W. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265


From the Bit and Pieces series (#515) by Elder Ralph Harris

Several years ago I came across the story of a young lady who read a certain book and, having completed it, remarked that it was the dullest book she had read in many a day.  Not long after this, she met a certain young man and in the course of time their friendship ripened into love, and they became engaged.  During a visit in the home of her fiance one evening, she said to him, "I have a book in my library that was written by a man whose name, and even initials, are the same as yours.  Is not that a singular coincidence?"

    "I do not think so," he replied.

    "Why not?" she asked.

    "For the simple reason," said he, "that I wrote the book".

The Young lady then sat up until the early morning hours to read the book again.  When she had completed it, she thought it was the most interesting book she had ever read!  What was the secret?  She now knew and loved the author.

The Bible is the greatest book ever written.  It is a collection of books written by Holy men of God as they were moved by His unerring Spirit.  They knew and loved the Author of the words they penned, and to such as have like precious faith as they, those words are food to their souls and precious to their hearts.  To all others it is a dead letter---"The savor of death unto death" (II Cor. 2:16).

Oh, Great Author of all good, help us to know Thee more intimately and to love Thee and Thy Book more fervently!    ---Elder Ralph Harris