Essential Baptist Principles™ ![]() |
"Verily, Verily I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." John 6:47
One of the fundamental errors of Arminianism is that it requires a person to believe in God in order to have eternal life. The scriptures however state differently. The Arminian doctrine argues that a required action will cause a person to come into possession of eternal life. For example they insist that a person can have eternal life if they will only believe the gospel. The above quoted scripture however states "he that believeth on me hath everlasting life." In other words the fact that the person believes is not the reason or cause of his or her eternal life but rather the evidence of their possessing eternal life.
The Arminian doctrine insists that actions introduced and acted out by the dead alien sinner will cause or bring about his eternal life. This falsehood would make God indebted to the sinner for his actions and the bible plainly teaches that salvation is not owed to the individual but rather that it is given graciously by God. The Arminians have a hard time defending their cart before the horse doctrine of works creating a just due salvation. Paul clearly stated that we are "saved by grace through faith, that not of yourselves; for it is the gift of God: not of works lest any man should boast." This verse alone destroys the Arminian idea of conditional salvation, let us hope that we can avoid such nonsense and cling to the truth that life proceeds action.
From a series of short essays entitled 'Crumbs' by Elder Brian Moore Click here to view all the 'Crumbs'series