Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

Volume 8 Current Article  July 1, 2009 issue 7

Editor : Elder Claude Mckee  1497 Bailee Way S. W. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265

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Changing Times
Elder Wiley W. Sammons
Published in the 1970s in his book Identity of the True Baptist Church

We, in America and a large portion of the world, are living and experiencing the most rapid changes in every field of endeavor in the natural realm of life. Great changes are being recorded every day in history and man is making many discoveries in transportation, communications, medicine, education, and much advancement is being made through research. Some have called this "The Atomic and Radar Age". Many of the people of this age agree to the saying that "Everything is changing and must be changed". The chief purpose of this writing is to prove that though the physical things of life are continually changing, God is unchangeable. We find this recorded in many places in his book of divine inspiration called the BIBLE. "For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed" Malachi 3:6.

We recognize that man has and is in process, at the present time, of making many discoveries in the fields mentioned above and many other that for the lack of space we will not mention. Of course some of the great changes have brought advancement in many fields for the good of humanity. There have been numerous hours and much toil in research work, besides the millions of dollars spent to discover and harness the energy that we have at out disposal in this present generation. While there has been great progress made through changes, we must also recognize that not every change has been for the best because there has been abuse and misuse of the resources that God created in the natural and material realm of life.

Due to the lack of space in this book we will briefly discuss some of the things that will prove undeniably that everything has not changed, neither does man have the right to try to change things that God decreed should not be changed. Luke 1-4.

First: God is an unchangeable God and He is sovereign. The word sovereign means that He is not dependent on anything or anyone else: He is the creator of all things and has all power. Any sane thinking person will have to admit that there is a cause for every effect. A human being is a very complex creature, whether he will acknowledge it or not. God is perfect. Deut. 32:4, "He is the rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgement: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is He." Psalm 14:1 and 53:1 "The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good." Then we have God's word that no man in nature is good without God. Even the person that claims to be an agnostic who says "There is no God" admits that his theory that everything comes form some cell through thousands of years in changing from one form to another, has to admit that there was something that made the first cell or the matter that the cell was composed of. This kind of person tries to prove his stand by saying that although he says there is no God; God does not cause him to die by striking him dead. I now give you a few Biblical examples. The entire race of man once took the above view of God, with the exception of Noah, his wife, his sons and their wives. God warned the people of the earth that he was going to destroy man by a flood because of their ungodliness and unbelief. Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and his family were the only people who escaped drowning. Noah was obedient to God and prepared the ark just exactly as God said. They escaped with all the beasts, fowls of the air, and creeping thins upon the earth as God had directed Noah to take them into the ark to preserve seed of their kind. God is a long suffering God and brings every work into judgement…There are many physical evidences in the different parts of the earth to prove that there was once a flood upon the earth as well as God's record in the Bible.

We direct the reader now to the third chapter of Daniel as proof that God not only exists but that he is all powerful and able to control the things he created and man cannot. The three Hebrews known as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were cast into the fiery furnace because they would not bow down and worship the image that the King had made, which was a golden image, an idol god. They were bound in their garments and cast into the fire which was so hot that it burned up the ones that cast them in. When the king looked in he saw four walking about, and they had no hurt, and the fourth was like the Son of God. When they came out, their bodies were not burned neither their hair singed - not even the smell of fire passed upon them. Even the king had to admit that none could deliver after this sort but the only true God. Here we have proof that God is sovereign. So, let God be true and every man a liar. This simply means that God has always been true, is now, and will continue to be true.

All humanity that will be honest will have to confess, when they look into the sky at night and behold the moon and stars and then gaze into the sea in the day, that God can create these as well as control them. This has to be the work of God. We are further convinced when we turn to God's Holy Word.

God's work is beautifully described in the Bible in hundreds of places, but we will only mention seven of them, commonly called the "attributes"; Wisdom, Omnipotent, Immutable, Holy, Just, Truth, and Love. The reader will find each one of these briefly set forth in an article by Elder C. M. Mills, Attributes of God. After reading this, we will have to admit that God doesnt change because there is no need as He is perfect and possesses all power. Some of the things that God created in the physical realm of life, change in time - at least their appearance - but not one of God's promises nor his Son, the Lord Jesus, has ever been changed or broken. There is no greater power than God.

Multitudes of people on the earth, particularly in the present age, are accepting the idea that everything must change because of the rapidity of moving events around them. Many people will admit they believe in the seven attributes of God, but they do not realize how far-reaching they are in God's book of Divine inspiration.

The chief purpose of this publication is to make the human mind search to find out what life is really about. Now, using the attributes of God as being true, let us proceed to ask some questions. God has an answer to every problem in life.

We have already given undeniable proof in God's word and in the realm of nature how God has a will and possesses all power to carry it out. God is the source of all wisdom. What was God's purpose in making man in his own image? Did he not establish a heavenly kingdom in the earth sometimes called the Gospel Church of [the] Kingdom of God? It was established by God's Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. To fulfill his will, his church is a dwelling place for his children while living in the earth. Christ is the head of his church as well as the foundation. He is all in all. (Ephesians)

Now, to answer the question asked, What was God's purpose in making man? God made man to glorify God. I Corinthians 6:19, 20: "What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and your are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's"

Certainly, the Lord Jesus being the only Begotten Son of the father being made head over His church, being perfect, he made a perfect set of rules and practice to be carried out in his church. Christ being unchangeable like his father, being God verily manifest in the flesh while He walked on the earth. Though men, women, and young people have tried to change his commands in the worship service of the church, God has never recognized these changes and never will. We can prove by history as well as the Bible that nations failed, as well as individuals, in the effort to change the Lords rule in his church.

People because of their own desires have changed their creeds and form of worship services into hundreds of denominations and ways of worship, but God has only one way and that is the way of the Lord: "I am the way, the truth, and the life!" "God is Truth"/ Taking God's way for it, lets see if he doesnt mark it in such a clear way that we in the present age can identify the true church as being one, because there is only one way of worship according to God's word. "He that worships God must worship him in spirit and in truth, because the Father seeketh such to worship him." The true church worship was identified in the apostles day of the infallible rules that Jesus gave them to believe and practice. He gave power to the apostles over unclean spirits, to cast them out, to heal the sick, to restore the sigh, and even to raise the dead. The apostles were going to establish the church in many cities and perform miracles, preach the gospel, and write letters to the churches that they might know how to behave themselves in the house of God and finish writing the scriptures of the Bible. No man or group of men has ever had this power since the death of the last apostle. We are to follow the rule ad practice set forth by the apostles in the scriptures.

The Lords people are commanded to preach and practice, in his church, the things set forth in the New Testament and nothing else. The true church of the Lord Jesus Christ, from the apostles day until the present time, has used the set of rules taken from God's book of divine inspirations, the Bible. These are known as church covenants, Articles of Faith, and Rules of Decorum. Many people by lip service will subscribe to the true church covenant, Articles of Faith, and Rules of Decorum but will walk and practice the things contrary to them.

It has already been set forth that according to the scriptures God will not change his will because he cannot lie. There isnt any place for change because he is perfect, just, and right, but men and material things can change and are in the process of changing continually. That is why man should realize that he should come to the unchangeable principles of God's law and commandments to get on a solid foundation before he proceeds in life, because if he lays a premise that is not according to God's laws and principles that are positive and sure, what ever he does will collapse sooner or later, and great will be the loss and suffering, not only to himself but to many others.

What do you mean when you say that the principles or laws of God are positive and unchangeable? God is himself Wisdom, Omnipotent, Immutable, Holy, Just, Truth, and Love. All the principles of the Bible are based on these mentioned above. There are five principles which are sometimes called cardinal principles: Namely. Foreknowledge, Predestination, Calling, Justification, and Glorification, and all of these are carried out through the only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Man receives the benefits of these wonderful blessings by God's grace. When we conform our lives to these great truths and principles, we enjoy the great privileges of peace, joy, and communion of the Spirit and as we walk in the light as Christ is that light, we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanses us from all sin.

May God help each of us to go to God daily for wisdom, strength, and guidance that we may not be drawn into things contrary to God's commandments through the fast changing times that we are living in, TIMES, MEN, CONDITIONS CHANGE, BUT GOD NEVER CHANGES! Wiley Sammons

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