Essential Baptist Principles Quill Selected Article Series
Editor : Elder Claude Mckee  1497 Bailee Way S. W. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265


From the Bits and Pieces (#488) by Elder Ralph Harris


The apostle Paul admonished the saints to be followers of him, even as he also was of Christ (I Cor. 11:1).  Christ is our great example, and we should follow no man any further than he follows Christ.  Just as our Lord was "meek and lowly in heart," so should we strive as much as we are able to reflect those same characteristics.  Everything Christ did was done honorably and with great dignity.  He was inherently holy and perfect, and we are inherently corrupt and sinful, and consequently our efforts to follow Him must fall distressingly short of His flawless standard, but we should always aim at the mark and strive to keep it ever before us.

In our efforts to follow Him we should be gentle and kind in all our dealings with others.  We should be full of compassion and tender-heartedness toward them.  We should ever strive to control our passions and never get "out of sorts" with those around us.  We should be very longsuffering and forebearing toward those who slander us and otherwise mistreat us.  We should always go leaning upon the everlasting arms of Jesus and constantly taking our cares and concerns to God in humble prayer and supplication.  We should ever seek to do only those things to others that we would want done unto us. 

These things represent a very high standard but that is precisely the point.  If we would be followers of Christ these are the kinds of things it is necessary for us to humbly and sincerely strive for.  Many people claim to be Christians, but one would never know it by the way they conduct themselves.  All of us, to a more or less degree, fall short in our efforts to emulate our blessed Lord, but that does not excuse us from trying to the best of our ability.  The more we try, the closer we will get to the perfect standard He set before us.   ---Elder Ralph Harris