Little Thoughts Gold Diamong Essential Baptist Principles
Like the still small voice, little thoughts usually bear the most wisdom and comfort

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Editor : Elder Claude Mckee  1497 Bailee Way S. W. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265



The church is given to us for our home while here in time. There cannot be even a real natural home without real love and a willingness to serve each other. The joys of home come from this love as manifested in kindness toward each other. The love in the church-home is spiritual love and must be in all of our actions if we are to have a real church-home. Christ, our elder Brother, is in the home with us and He is the very Spirit of love. So, the more we show of this love to each other the more we will be like Him. May His love and joy and peace continue to abide with us is the prayer of a little one in His kingdom. -- Leon H. Clevenger