Little Thoughts Gold Diamong Essential Baptist Principles
Like the still small voice, little thoughts usually bear the most wisdom and comfort

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Editor : Elder Claude Mckee  1497 Bailee Way S. W. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265




Church sovereignty is a good doctrine, but church inerrability and infallibility is a bad doctrine. No one who has studied his Bible, as he should will claim that the Church is so sovereign that she can do as she wishes, unless her only desire is to obey her Husband in executing His laws. When a church expels a member said member is excluded from all of our churches. If I live so that the churches in my home association will not allow me to preach in one of them, the churches in some other state are not so sovereign that they can receive me and preach me. Before I should be recognized by churches in some other state they should require me to go back where I got wrong and get right. To do other wise would be a denial of Church sovereignty. Brethren, faithfulness requires us to respect our sister churches, and let us be faithful in the house of God. Elder J. S. Newman - The Primitive Baptist, February 11, 1932.