Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

Volume 11 Current Article  October 1, 2012 issue 10

Editor : Elder Claude Mckee  1497 Bailee Way S. W. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265

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"I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators: yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world. But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat." The lesson the Apostle sets forth is surely to and for the church. The eating under consideration must surely be the Communion Supper. What is written to this Church should be considered by all the churches that profess Christ, even until this present time!

Forgiveness is certainly taught by Christ and the Apostles. The trespasses that the child of God is required to forgive, is of a personal nature, such as having a quarrel or misunderstanding with his brother or the church. Col. 3:13, "Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye."

The gross sins, or breaches of the Law of our Lord, such as is outlined in the lesson above, have their penalty. We must consider and remember that all who willfully break the law of Christ, shall suffer the penalty thereof. Some are more severe than others. The Law of the Land has heavier penalties for some crimes than others. There is a difference between a sin that is committed in ignorance, and the one that is committed willfully. Because, men do not commit fornication in ignorance. Every rational man in the entire U. S. A. knows that it is wrong! When a Church fails to recognize the Law of their Lord, she is surely headed for trouble! A Church may have 100 or more members, but if the Law of Christ is not respected and obeyed, there will be no Spiritual peace and rest in soul. Sometimes, men, as well as the entire Church, are ambitious to put across some false idea. When they succeed, they may feel elated for a time, but the judgments of God will surely catch up with them! Such natural desires and ambitions are not prompted by the Spirit of God! Perhaps, it is the desire for quantity, rather than quality. When the Church is more interested in such men as the Apostle describes above, than the peace and fellowship of the Saints of God, it is time to reconsider. The Apostle said, Fornicators, Covetous, Idolaters, Railers, Drunkards and Extortioners, with such an one no not to eat! Should we not believe and practice the apostolic principles of doctrine set forth in the Bible for His church? If we expect to have fellowship with one another in the Spirit of our Lord, we must not put our own ambitions above the advice of the Apostle!

The question is often asked: What is a fornicator? Fornication is the sinful act committed by two parties not married to each other. God has forbidden this in all of His laws! God ordained marriage, or set apart marriage. Therefore, marriage is honorable with all, and the bed undefiled. 1st Cor. 7:2: "Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband."

What is covetousness? This comes from the word covet. Every law of God condemns the sin of covetousness. Some seem to think that it applies to money only, but one of the worst kinds of covetousness for men is to covet the honor that alone belongs to God! Men craving or desiring or coveting things that are unlawful for them to have is covetousness. When men think more of their own selfish interest than the service of God, they are covetous.

What is an idolater? Anyone who worships and adores and gives the honor of life and salvation to anyone other than the true and living God. (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost) is an idolater.

What is a railer? A railer is one who accuses and criticizes Slanderously.

What is a drunkard? One who is drunk and not sober. A man who is a drunkard is unstable in word and deed. His life is miserable to himself, and to his entire family. He is not capable of doing things right, or making the right decisions.

What is an extortioner? Anyone who causes people to do wrong, by threat or force, and to cause them to give up that which is right under duress.

If the church is not to be separate from such characters as above mentioned, why leave the world? You would have the same company in the church as you would in the world. Ought we not rather to humbly live the way the Lord said, and keep house for Him until He returns to gather all His people home? It is hard to do right, but it is much harder not to do so! When the Apostle said: With such an one no not to eat, I surely believe it will certainly be better for the church to obey the advice of the Apostle rather than obey any other man, or set of men, on the earth! May God's -church remember that they are servants, and the Lord is to be served, and not follow men, who will not respect the law of the Lord! In love and hope, Elder C. M. Mills--(From The Primitive Baptist, May 7, 1959) (Printed in the book Identity of the True Baptist Church by Elder Wiley W. Sammons)

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