Essential Baptist Principles™
As taught in the Holy Scriptures |
Volume 7 Current Article | March 1, 2008 | issue 3 |
Defenders of Biblical Truths
Although not abundant, there is some history in print concerning individuals that lived and labored during the 1830 split that took place among the Baptists in America. The defenders of truth have never been promoted by worldly writers to the extent that worldly causes and ministers have. There is a providential reason for that which is because the true servants of God have discharged their duties not seeking notoriety or fame but only desiring that the cause be upheld among his people. There were many defenders of the truth who never was recognized for their efforts in defense of the Cause. To me, this is more evidence that they were the true Disciples of Christ who along sustains His Church. Just as then, many faithful defenders of the truth have passed from this life not seeing the results of their labors and we will never know many of their names but we have evidence that their labors were blessed of the Lord by virtue of the fact that there is still a small band of believers who are still holding to the principles and practices once delivered unto the saints. In the early 1960s there were several ministers that raised a flag of warning concerning newly proselytized Lasserre Bradley Jr. but they were ridiculed and discarded as jealous and small minded. Evidently those brethren could see the making of a golden calf (idol) before it came out of the fire. Subsequent history has proven those brethren to be correct in sounding an alarm and our present state of affairs illustrates the sorrow we get if we do not obey the Lords admonition to "neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you." (Matthew 8:6) Just as in each major departure in faith and practice from the true church today the faithful followers of Christ are small in number compared to those departing. Further giving us evidence that we stand on the same ground our forefathers, the Apostles and Christ Jesus stood on.
Below is an excerpt from Benjamin Griffins history of Primitive Baptists of Mississippi. It is an obituary of one of the defenders of the truth who witnessed and defended against the modern missionary movement.
Extract from the obituary notice, published in lieu of a Circular letter.
"died at his residence, in Yallobusha county, Mississippi, on the 26th June, 1846, Elder Francis Baker, in the 66th year of his age, When the separation of the Old School Baptists and New School Baptists took place, his patience and forbearance were such, that he lingered behind for two or three years, laboring and striving for a restoration of gospel order. But when he found that all his efforts were unavailing, and that the New School party were bringing in heresy like a flood, he came out from among them, and declared an unceasing warfare against all their errors - for which he received a full share of that portion of a Christians legacy which consists of persecution. But none of these things moved him - he was prepared by the word of God to expect them.
"He saw that the New School party had become unsound in faith and doctrine, and that their works were of a like character - like faith, like works - like always begetting its like - and he ceased not to warn the people against their unscriptural doctrine and practice. This he did from a high sense of ministerial duty, not withstanding he knew that those who could not endure sound doctrine would be offended nevertheless he shunned not to declare the whole counsel of God knowing that it was impossible to preach sovereign, discrimination grace without giving offence. Witness the effects of Jesus remarks relative to the widow of Serepta and Naaman the Syrian. It seems that they heard him patiently, perhaps willing to call his doctrine conservative, until he come out openly and preached discriminating grace, and then the ire of their father was kindled within them, and they were filled with wrath and sought to destroy him. The servant is not greater than his master - and Brother Baker knew, that if they thus persecuted the Master, they would also persecute the servant - and hence he marveled not as if some strange thing had happened to him."
We feel sure that the words spoken about Elder Baker could likewise be applied to others who we will never know about. His willingness to linger behind and work for peace and restoration of Gospel order I believe has been replicated in this day and time with the present liberal/progressive movement among the Primitive Baptist. I wonder sometime if there are still some as Elder Baker, who are lingering behind also. I would only say, dont linger to long, for a little leaven, leaveneth the hold lump. You may already be leavened if you continue to fellowship those who advocate: Outreach ministries, group bible Studies, Salaried Ministers, youth camps, men and/or women prayer meetings, social functions within the church or any other function of the church beyond congregational singing without musical instruments, public prayer as part of the service and preaching by a God called man. There is some calling themselves Old Line Primitive Baptists who are practicing, promoting or countenancing many of these things. It is dishonest for any person who knows the past doctrines and practices of Primitive Baptists to claim the name Old line Primitive Baptist and at the same time countenance those practices mentioned above. We admonish those who may be entangled with this movement to heed the scripture "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you." II Corinthians 6:17 -- Elder Claude McKee