Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

Volume 6 Current Article  September 1, 2007 issue 9

Editor : Elder Claude Mckee  1497 Bailee Way S. W. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265

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Did Bible preachers work with their hands?
Excerpt from the booklet Preaching the Gospel without charge
By Elder Robert Harlan

Did the preachers, of the bible never resort to working with their hands after they were called to the ministry? Where is the chapter and verse that says our Lord ever gave such a command, or that the Apostles gave such?

Is it not fit to teach the ministers of today the way the ministers of the bible were taught? Or is it that we have a new set of rules for the ministers of today? It is my understanding that our Lord gave those first ministers a very rigid test when He first sent them out. And surely it holds true to those of this day as it did with them. I am sure there is a lesson for todays preachers in the admonition our blessed Saviour gave to the first ones He sent to preach this free gospel of salvation by the sovereign grace of God. I read where He said to those: That they should go and take nothing for their journey? "Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses, nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves: for the workman is worthy of his meat." Matthew 10:9, 10

Just what is the Lord teaching his ministers here? Is he telling them to go and never return? If this be the truth of this great question then pray tell me what be the truth of the second admonition of our Lord to the same preachers, when He sent them out the second time? (See Luke 22:35, 37) This time saying, "But now he that hath a purse let him take it, and likewise his scrip, and he that hath no sword let him sell his garment and buy one." Was it of a truth that Jesus did not exactly know how the ministers should be taken care of? Nay, my brethren, I cannot think of my Jesus as being so weak that He should make a mistake in either admonition. So I am prone to think the reason He gave them the first [admonition] was to give them living proof that they were under the loving care of Him who owns all the beasts of the field and the cattle upon a thousand hills. And that when they felt the drawing of the blessed spirit to go, he would see to it that they were cared for even if they had nothing for the journey! But to me it seems evident that they were not to expect to use this power to the point of abuse. And thus HE gives them the second admonition. If you dont have sword (bible) then you sell your garment (coat) and you buy one. Also you must take your own necessities for the journey if you have them, but if you dont then you go anyway, and look to your Heavenly Father in faith believing! Furthermore, if I truly understand the teaching of this matter, our Lord gave those first preachers to understand that they were not to even think about what they were to eat or wear, Can you see this as I do? Can you see one among those first preachers who got this thing all mixed up, as some seemingly do today?

I read about one whose name was Simon whom Jesus later called Peter. This man seemed to be in quite a state of confusion and all the while he thought he had all the faith, and understanding it took to follow the Lord, even unto death. But Jesus, knowing the weakness of the flesh, and the confusion that was going on in this preachers mind tells him that Satan desired him that he might sift him as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, and when thou art converted (turned about from your way of thinking) strengthen thy brethren . (Luke 22:31)

Then I note that Jesus refers them back to the time he first sent them out without purse, and scrip and shoes, saying "lacked ye anything?" I dont remember them telling the Lord that the people wouldnt support them that they would not have to work any, but if memory serves correctly, they told the Lord they, had all they needed in saying "nothing Lord" I deem this to be a wonderful lesson for the ministers of today as we would ask "Lord what would thou have us to do?"

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