Little Thoughts Gold Diamong Essential Baptist Principles
Like the still small voice, little thoughts usually bear the most wisdom and comfort

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Editor : Elder Claude Mckee  1497 Bailee Way S. W. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265

Is the Punishment of the Wicked Eternal or everlasting?

As posted to the Pblibrary Forum by Elder Clinton Barnett

Have you ever used the words eternal or eternity in connection with the punishment of the wicked? I have many times. I find it is not used in the bible. The words forever and everlasting are used. My thought concerning this is that at the end of all things the elect will enter the joys of eternal life. The word Eternal means without beginning and never ending. The punishment of the wicked has a beginning but I don't think it will ever end. I think this is what the apostle is saying when he says Christ saved us from the wrath to come. I think we should use the words the bible uses and we so often forget that eternal means without beginning. I want to try to put my mind in gear before I start speaking and maybe I can remember to say what the bible says. If any man speaks let him speak as the oracles of God. Just a little thought I had. -- Elder Clint Barnett