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From the Bits and Pieces series (#522) by Elder Ralph Harris
One of the things the Lord has revealed to His people concerning their walk with Him is that it is necessary for them to walk "by faith and not by sight" (See II Cor. 5:7). It is natural for us to want to see the path clearly marked out before us prior to taking a single step, but it is a much greater honor to God, and gives Him far greater glory, for us to step out by faith on His promises, trusting Him implicitly to provide our needs and to open the way before us at the appropriate time.
Many people think they would like to have grace to die, or dying grace, long before they need it, so that they might feel comfortable about that approaching hour. But we will not wish for that or any other grace ahead of time if we really believe God will provide it when the need arises. We can then feel secure and at ease about our appointment with death, confident in the assurance that the Lord will not forsake us in that day, but will be as faithful to us then as He has been throughout our life.
True believers are blest above measure in that they are, by faith, as certain of God's existence and as assured of His divine attributes as if they had seen Him face to face. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Heb. 11:1). Men who are not in possession of the gift of faith may be surrounded with any amount of outward evidence of the things that believers rejoice in and still not see or find comfort in any of it. Spiritual sight goes far beyond natural sight.
Such unbelievers think the enlightened sons of God are fools, for because they themselves cannot see with their natural eyes the things that saints see by an eye of faith; they think those things do not exist. God has revealed enough just in the natural creation to leave unbelievers without excuse (Rom. 1:20), but that does not change the fact that they are spiritually blind. They have no spiritual light or discernment (See 1st Cor. 2:14). That is why many of them will not even acknowledge God in nature.
What a great advantage faith is to God's believing people, for it enables them to lay hold upon that which otherwise would mean nothing to them! May the Lord help us to use the faith He has given us to His glory and to our own comfort. ---Elder Ralph Harris