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From the Bits and Pieces series (#448) by Elder Ralph Harris
I was introduced to a (Christian) preacher just as I was getting on a train. He was rather overbearing in his turn and looked at me and said, "Predestination." I said, "Yes, the word is in the Book, and we believe the Book." We took the same seat and he read a paper denouncing the doctrine and our people in the strongest terms. It pointed out that the advocates of the doctrine are growing fewer---that education and science drive them as fog before the rising sun; that they are now so few the world will not long be annoyed by them. It was a bitter attack.
After he was done he asked what I thought of it. I said, "He argues from our small numbers that we shall soon disappear from the earth. When the world was drowned by the flood only a few were right, and the many were wrong. When Sodom was burned up only a little few were right, and the many were wrong. When the prophet prayed he said, 'I am left alone, and they seek my life.' So again the few were right, and the many wrong. Now, Preacher, tell me when the majority was right." I pressed him to tell me and he could cite no time when the majority was right. "Well," I said, "if those in the right are always the few, you'd better come over to us." —Elder J. H. Oliphant
From his Autobiography, 1923--Note: Bro. Oliphant's book was published 80 years ago and the few are more in the minority now than they were then, but the world is not rid of us yet. There are still a few of us strange critters who are determined to stand for the truth no matter what the majority thinks of us. There is something about us that makes us insistent upon standing for the right even if we should have to stand-alone. I have often said that if everybody in the world disagreed with what I believe that wouldn't make one bit of difference to me—I'd go right on believing what the Bible teaches. —Elder Ralph Harris