Essential Baptist Principles Quill Selected Article Series
Editor : Elder Claude Mckee  1497 Bailee Way S. W. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265


August 1, 2004

"Whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate..." (Rom. 8:29).
From the nugget series (#50) by Elder Ralph Harris

From the standpoint of God's omniscience, or unlimited knowledge, He foreknew everyone who would ever live upon the earth, but from the standpoint of the covenant of grace He only foreknew His people.  Hence they are referred to as "elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father" (I Peter 1:2).  These He not only foreknew in a covenant sense, but He also predestinated them, in consequence of which they will all ultimately be called from nature to grace, justified and glorified.  And when all this is completed they will have been fully "conformed to the image" of Christ.  Thus we see the hand of God in their salvation from all eternity to all eternity.  The final destiny of His chosen family has never been uncertain from His standpoint, though they may, and often do, have their own questions and doubts about it.

What a vast expanse there is between what the elect are by nature and what they are, and will ultimately be, by grace!  "They go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies" (Psalm 58:3), yet, one day their vile body will be changed and fashioned like unto the glorious body of Christ (See Philippians 3:20-21).  They come into the world "dead in trespasses and sins," and until grace lifts them out of that state they walk "according to the course of this world, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind," and are, by nature, children of wrath even as those who are not God's people.  In other words, they have the same fallen nature as the non-elect (See Eph. 2:1-3).  But one sweet day they will stand before the throne of God as pure and holy as if they had never committed a single transgression.  All those who were "ordained to eternal life" (Acts 13:48) will not only be given the gift of faith but they will be given eternal life, and they shall never perish nor be plucked out of God's hand (See John 10:27-28).

How wonderful is the grace of God!  How glorious are His works and ways!  And how marvelous is that method of salvation whereby Christ was slain in behalf of His people and redeemed them to God by His blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation (See Rev. 5:9)!  These shall all be with Him in Glory and shall praise His name forever.  Wonderful is His name!    ---Elder Ralph Harris