The Presentation below is given as a
convenient aid to the reader of the article ‘Are
Bible Study Classes in the New Testament Church sanctioned in scripture?’.
It is presented in its entirety in order to be fair to the author of the
presentation. The editor of the Essential Baptist Principles does not agree
with the presentations author and his conclusions concerning Bible Study
Groups , minister meetings and worship time discussion groups.
Written by Ben Winslett
Tuesday, 17 September 2013 15:01
Food for thought.
upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to
break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the marrow;
and continued his speech until midnight. - Acts 20:7
Let's engage in a brief word and concept study of this verse.
First, notice that this is Paul's
interaction with a church body (disciples), rather than his dealings
with the population in general or with a Jewish synagogue. Second,
notice that they came together on Sunday, indicating this was their
Sunday worship time. Next, we observe that they broke bread, more than
likely indicating The Lord's Supper (communion). Finally, Paul preached
unto them until midnight.
The word for ‘preached’ here is intriguing. It is the Greek word
dialegomai, from which we get our English word dialogue. A dialogue is
the opposite of a monologue (the speech of one) and implies strongly
that a discussion occurred. His preaching was literally a discussion.
So, to expand on the verse:
And upon the first day of the week (Sunday), when the disciples came
together ( for church) to break bread (communion), Paul preached
(through dialogue) unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and
continued his speech (logos - something uttered) until midnight.
While it is certain that Paul
maintained good, decent gospel order, it is also certain that a
discussion was had between the disciples. Such can be profitable for us
today, provided the same Biblical guidelines and safeties are in place.
Such include but are not limited to:
ꔷProper respect given to each
ꔷThe Pastor does the teaching
ꔷQuestions are not contentious
ꔷRoles of the household are notdisrespected
ꔷThe substance is edifying
ꔷThe happenings are glorifying to God