Essential Baptist Principles Quill Selected Article Series
Editor : Elder Claude Mckee  1497 Bailee Way S. W. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265



Can't you see Jesus standing at the gate of Nain? He is described there in 7th chapter of Luke. Nain means beauty. This city is beautiful. But as Jesus came near to the gate there was a dead man being carried out. That dead man was the only son of his mother. His mother was a widow. The scriptures say that much people of the city accompanied her. When our Lord saw that widow, the grieving mother, He had compassion on her. Jesus said unto her, "Weep not." Jesus touched the bier and said "Young man, I say unto thee arise." And he that was dead sat up and began to speak. Our Lord delivered him to his mother. Is this merely a record of fact pertaining to the young man from Nain? Does this not have significance or instruction to the household of faith today?

God has himself a beautiful city of His own making today too. And in that city are those whose feet are beautifully adorned with the preaching the gospel of peace (see Romans 10:15). Our Lord is still minding the gate and the gates of hell shall not prevail against His beautiful city.  He oversees all, which comes and goes. The dead have no place in His city. The dead are carried out.

Scripture says very little about him that was dead other than he was the only son of his mother. We don't know how the young man died and it is insignifican't. The fact is that he is dead. He is to be put away from those that are alive. When our Lord touched him and commanded that he arise instantly the dead sat up and began to speak. That is evidence that he is back with the living. With the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. How many are cast out of the Lord's Church being for all intents and purposes dead to the cause of Christ and godliness?  They remain silent showing no evidence or desire to speak a word of either encouragement or contrition. Many tread down the broad ways of the lusts of the flesh and of sin. The end of sin is death. Sadly these are found dead and speechless and are to be cast away from the congregation of the living. These must indeed be carried outside the beautiful City of God, the Church for the hardness of their hearts. Everyone with a home in the Lord's Church has a home because Jesus delivered them to their mother, the mother of us all that is free and from above (see Gal 4:26). Only He can save one from their sins and deliver them in righteousness. Only He can bring one to godly sorrow and conversion. It can be as suddenly as it was with the dead man at the gate of Nain.

A City set upon a hill why should I flee from thee?

My Master waits at the gate He sets His captives free

He minds the gates He sets the bounds and hell is curtailed

God freely gives His Children entrance within the veil

The new and living way He brings His children rest

A blood bought home His peace on earth His heavenly bequest

When deaths' floods rise drawing thoughts away

Who shall bring darkness into day?

Christ Jesus stands at Nain's gate.

9/30/2005 Elder M. Hoogasian