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From the Bits and Pieces series (#463) by Elder Ralph Harris
How many will be saved by the plan of grace which the Lord alone provided? The apostle John saw them and gave the number, "And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were an hundred and forty and four thousand" of the tribe of Israel. And also he saw in this vision many other thousands of the different tribes which were sealed. Then further John says, "After this I beheld, and lo, a great multitude which no man could number of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues..." (Rev. 7:9).
God's plan of salvation by grace will reach His people in every condition, every age, every clime, every nation. "His name shall be called Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins." "His blood cleanseth us from all sin." The effect of His blood does not depend upon the missionary's preaching. It is applied by the Holy Spirit. The washing is by regeneration, not by preaching.
There is a glorious purpose in preaching, but that purpose is not the eternal salvation of souls. Who preached to Abel? God accepted him and his offering. No preacher there. He never heard Christ's name through the preacher or missionary, and yet he was saved.
How narrow that system of salvation which excludes all hope except where the preacher goes! Such a system cannot be true. God's word reveals no such system. And Primitive Baptists do not, never have, nor ever will, believe in such a system of salvation. And there are thousands of others who are tied up in this money-based, man-power, soul-salvation business, who have no confidence in it. Many thousands have been convinced of its error since the breaking out of the present cruel war. The Christian nations (so-called) have quit the business of pretended soul-saving among the heathen to a great extent, and have been trying their level best to destroy each other. Do you think God will damn the heathen because the "Christians" are too busy fighting each other to attend to the salvation business? Does it not look like He would have mercy on the poor, helpless heathen, and damn the proud, boasting, selfish and fighting "Christian" who claims he can do so much, and does it not?
Dear reader, there is no well-grounded hope for the salvation of any sinful creature, except in the mercy of the Lord. But His mercy endureth forever, and those who really feel the need of His mercy and call upon his name shall be saved. This is our hope, and we shall not be disappointed. ---Elder R. H. Pittman Zion's Advocate, 1917