Essential Baptist Principles Quill Selected Article Series
Editor : Elder Claude Mckee  1497 Bailee Way S. W. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265


From the Bits and Pieces series( #194) posted 8/25/03 by Elder Ralph Harris

I once met a young man, a minister of another order, who told me how he had labored day and night to get young people to join his church.  He had been successful; they had more than fifty additions.  "But," said he, "I do not know what to do with them now.  I was troubled as to how to get them into the church but now my troubles are greater than ever.  Some want to dance, some use profane language, some visit the salon, some sit at the card table, and but few of them will attend the prayer meeting and many are absent from the regular services."

He asked me if I could give him my advice in such cases.  I told him that in my opinion he had built of wood, hay and stubble.  These young people know nothing of grace.  They still love sin better than they love righteousness.  Said I, "You have done the converting and have made a failure, for you could not change the heart."  I told him that we (Primitive Baptists) only wished to receive those into our churches who already gave us evidence of a change of heart which is done for them by grace.  Such love righteousness better than sin and seldom bring reproach upon the cause.

I wish this young man could have been with us in our meeting at Eagle Creek, Ohio, in April, and witnessed the godly devotion of some young in years whose hearts have been circumcised by the Spirit of God.  Dear young soldiers, go on in this way and prove by your lives that grace leads to a godly life and not a sinful one.     ---Elder William H. Crouse    Zion's Advocate, 1903.