Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

Volume 10 Current Article  February 1, 2011 issue 2

Editor : Elder Claude Mckee  1497 Bailee Way S. W. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265

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(Reprint from 'The Christian Pathway' March, 1984)

Please allow me to paraphrase the 37th verse of the 23rd chapter of Saint Matthew as follows: "O America, America, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

We are living witnesses that history repeats itself; we are living witnesses that we are not profiting as we should by mistakes made in the past and in the history of other countries. At one time the Roman Empire was the strongest and most respected nation in the world, and it was a great honor to be a Roman citizen at that time. Some of the laws made in the infancy of this country were copied from the Roman government. As the Roman Empire grew stronger, corruption began to creep in by degrees and finally after a period of 500 years the empire toppled and fell.

The United States had a struggle in the beginning, but due to honesty, Christianity, and perseverance, she rose from the struggle and grew into one of the most outstanding Christian nations in the entire world. God wonderfully blessed our nation as she developed and became strong. She was blessed with statesmen that had ingenuity, ambition, Christian hearts, and a deep desire to serve their country.

The citizenry of today came up with a religious background, but, unfortunately, many are veering to the right or to the left, and leaving the grand principles that our forefathers so tenaciously held to. Corruption is creeping in, in nearly all branches of government. Many citizens are growing rich and idolatrous. Many are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. Many business and professional men are extortioners in their charges. Many are not making any effort to help themselves, but expect the government to support them. (This is not in reference to the deserving). Many church people are growing lukewarm, and many of our citizens are not regarding Sunday as a rest day. God worked six days in the creation of the universe, and He rested the seventh day. This is a precept for us and we should obey. Time and space will not allow me to point out all of the evils, but God knows them.

Our empire is toppling in a little over 200 years, and unless we as a nation of people mend our ways and heed to the teachings of the Bible, we, too, will go down into corruption. Would it not be pitiful for our nation to be taken over by an enemy country, and all of our rights taken away from us? We, the senior citizens would soon be out of it, but what about our children?

There is still time for repentance for God is longsuffering. But, He will not hold His wrath forever. We should listen to the voice (Spirit) of Christ, and be gathered under His wings for comfort and protection. May the prayers of all the saints ascend heavenward for help?

Elder George R. Hunt (deceased)
Kathleen, GA

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