Essential Baptist Principles™
As taught in the Holy Scriptures |
Volume 5 Current Article | February 1, 2006 | Issue 2 |
"How to find the true gospel church"
Elder Wiley W. Sammons
From his book Identity of the True Baptist Church
Many of the Lords humble poor would like to know how they can find the true church that the Lord had established here on earth. So many people, especially the young people, are so confused as there are many different ideas and theories in this present age. They all want to claim to be the true gospel church of Jesus Christ, and of course, they cant all be this church and have varied doctrines and practices.
The true Apostolic Church still exists here in the present world, but the great question is "Where is it, and how can it be distinguished from the so-called of the world that wear the name?" First let me start by asking a simple question according to natural reasoning. Do we not determine the different countries by certain characteristics they have and particularly the rule they are governed by? Where you find the true church functioning in the way that God commanded, there you will find some characteristics that can only be discerned by spiritual discernment. "The Lords Kingdom" is not of the world. The true church of the Lord Jesus is called the "Kingdom of God", or the "Kingdom of heaven" in the New Testament many times. This simply means the Apostolic or Gospel Church, composed of people that believe in Bible doctrine and that alone. Now of course these people have been quickened or born of the spirit of God by His own mighty power. They have been given a spiritual nature so they can discern spiritual things.
If a person is truly seeking the true way of worshipping and serving God, from a pure and honest heart, they have already passed from death unto life. They have been given the ability and desire to seek the Kingdom by the spirit of God that dwells in them, which is called in the Bible, the witness within, and they can discern spiritual things. The Lord commands us to "seek first the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness and all these things will be added." "God is love", 1 John 4: "God is perfect", Matthew 5:28: "God is a spirit", John 4:24.
Let us examine the scriptures and find out Gods purpose for the gospel church here on earth. This will be of much assistance in locating the true church according o the New Testament. God did not put the Church here on earth to help God or do any part of the work that he purposed to do because he did this through his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. As he was the only one who could make the atonement by Shedding his blood and redeeming his people and bringing about reconciliation for them and justifying them through his shed blood. The church was not to attempt to do any of the above-mentioned things. Gods purpose for the gospel church here on earth is that his people in it are to praise, honor; and glorify God through Jesus Christ who did so much for them. He died for them that they might have right not only to live in the church Kingdom but they will live with him after this life when he will come back and raise these bodies, and make them immortal bodies that can praise God through his Son in perfection and that will be forever.
In seeking the true church look for the people that love each other and manifest that love one to another in their church service and also in their daily activities of life. By these characteristics you can recognize it as the true worship service, by that spirit within you being the same spirit that causes them to love one another so dearly. The Lord reigns supreme in their mind. They will not give honor and glory to man or any group of men, or rituals, ceremonies, styles or anything pertaining to the world. They will ascribe all the honor and glory unto the Almighty God, through Jesus Christ our Saviour. The true church is adorned with a simple and humble service. The Lord was called the "meek and lowly lamb of God". Yet He was verily God manifest in the flesh, His service in a church capacity is the very opposite of society, which is very deceitful, vain, and formal, which comes from a worldly influence. The Lord placed in His church a service that is so simple that a poor beggar, without any money, could come in and sit down at the Masters table and feed on spiritual food.
When you find the true church, you will hear the gospel of your salvation preached by men that God has called by his mighty power, and he has made them willing to preach to his humble poor the riches and mercies of his grace. God has also made them willing to preach without promise of salary, Of course the Bible has commanded the Church to care for its ministers, but God commands that his ministers go in faith, preaching the Kingdom of God and these things shall be added. A God-called minister will be satisfied to preach that salvation is of the Lord and all spiritual blessings are in Christ Jesus.
Man because of his transgressions, in violating Gods commandment, separated himself from God. The transgression in the Garden of Eden caused man to fall under the law of sin and death, and we being Adam multiplied are in the same condition until we are given spiritual life by the work of the Holy Spirit, which is by Grace. God being perfect, he demanded that the debt be paid to satisfy divine justice. Of course it required a perfect offering and that done in perfect obedience. God, loving his people with an everlasting love, sent His only begotten Son in the fulness of time to meet and satisfy divine justice. Being born of the virgin Mary, Jesus was without sin, yet he was to bear the sins of his people, Of course he was perfect being the Son of God, and he fulfilled perfectly all the requirements of God, to redeem his people, out from under the law of sin and death, by being crucified and shedding his blood to make the atonement for sin. The benefit of his blood is applied to the hearts of his people in time by the Holy Spirit, This being the work of the Holy Spirit alone there isnt any possibility of any one failing to receive the benefits of the shed blood of the Lord Jesus, that Jesus died for. In his death, he did more than redeem his people. He rose from Josephs new tomb and came forth conqueror over death and the grave, then ascended back to the Father and God received Him showing that he was satisfied with his work, it being finished. Jesus said in his prayer "I have finished the work that thou gavest me to do." Jesus is sitting on the right hand of God today making intercessions for his little children and will continue to do so until he comes back the second time without sin unto salvation, to raise these bodies from the grave. As a proof scripture Jesus said "I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." (John 11:25.) He also said in another place, " Because I live, ye shall live also."
Ministers in the true gospel church preach that all blessings are in Christ Jesus, and God commands his people in a church service, "be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove that is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God." (Romans 12:2.) Now you can see why that in the true church you will not find any auxiliaries, worldly organizations, neither instrumental music, which is of the world because you do not find it commanded or recorded in the New Testament Scripture to have any place in the worship service.
As I quoted in the beginning, "God is a spirit; and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." (John 4:24) Of course there is a service to render for those that are seeking him, but it must be in spirit and in truth if it is acceptable to God. The Lord is the lawgiver and he has already given his divine rule of service for us to be governed by in his church or kingdom here on earth. Jesus himself left the precepts and examples recorded in the Bible for us to read and carry out among his people in a church capacity. He made the Apostles that remained here after his crucifixion and victory over death and the grave, and triumphant ascension back to the Father. The Lord gave these Apostles power to do many miracles and commanded them to preach, establish churches, ordain preachers and deacons, comfort the Lords people, and unify them in the faith.
Another characteristic of the gospel church is that it takes the scriptures as the only rule of faith and practice in all their endeavors. They baptize in water by immersion, the only mode recognized by the Heavenly Father, because the Lord was baptized this way. "Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water; and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and lo a voice from heaven saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." (Matthew 5:16-17.) You will find in I Corinthians 11the Chapter, beginning with the 23rd verse through the 29th verse, how the Lord instituted the Lords Supper and carried it out. The only way that we can partake of this service is to discern the Lords body and shed blood as making complete satisfaction for sin. Jesus left an example in the 13th chapter of St. John and I wish that you would read this chapter several times as I will only quote one or two expressions from it. The Lord left this example of washing the disciples feet as a deed of humility. To show that he did not do this to carry out a custom, the Lord said to Peter that what he did now Peter knew not but he would know hereafter. He also said, "Ye call me Lord and Master; and ye say well; for so I am. If I, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one anothers feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you." (St. John 13:13-15.) The true believers still carry out this in the church services, as we know that we cannot, neither do we have the desire, to change his blessed word. The church has always had this characteristic, by declaring all the counsel of God and walking according to it, using the Bible as their straight edge or level in measuring the requirements of the children of God that keep house for the Lord and his Kingdom here on earth.
Now, by using the spirit, which is a witness within you, and not from the natural eye or from natural appearances, you will be able to find the true worship service. If you will lay aside all prejudice, theories of men, including your own, and look to God and pray unto Him through the Lord Jesus Christ, you will be led into the way of truth and will be able to come into the knowledge of truth.
I believe you will find a people called the Primitive Baptists practicing the Bible rule and being characteristic of the Apostle or Gospel Church of the Lord Jesus, here on earth. Patiently examine their practice in using Bible discipline in the church as well as their manner of worship. Any thing more than congregational singing, prayer, and preaching by Gods called ministers in church service cannot be the true church worship. Where you find Bible study groups, youth movements, or church camps, they are not practicing and abiding in the New Testament way commanded by Christ and his Apostles, even if they still wear the name Primitive Baptist.
After you have been thoroughly convinced for yourself that they are the true church, by faith and practice, ask for a home with them, and be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and arise to walk in the newness of life, by being obedient unto his commands, you will find the sweet rest that you have been looking for. You can spend the rest of your life dong the good works that the Lord has commanded you to do, giving the honor and glory to God, through the Lord Jesus Christ, your Redeemer. By doing this, you will have the assurance that the service you render, as weak as it may seem to you, will be accepted with the Father, because it is rendered according to the spirit and truth, and always honors and glorifies His Great Name. Wiley Sammons