Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

Volume 3 Current Article  August 1, 2004 Issue 8

Editor : Elder Claude Mckee  1497 Bailee Way S. W. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265

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Instrumental Music
Elder C. M. Mills

Why do the primitive Baptists object to the use of instrumental music in the church? Is a question many ask. Our objections to Primitive Baptist using instrumental music in church services are listed below:

1. Because no instrumental music was used, or authorized to be used, by Christ and the apostles.

2. It is clearly shown in history that before the middle of the second century most of the books composing the New Testament were in every Christian Church throughout the world, and were read and recognized as the divine rule of faith and practice. (Eub. Hist.)

3. The Primitive Baptists are strictly Bible Baptists, who are worshipping and serving God under the New Covenant set forth in the New Testament.

4. Not until over 600 years after Christ, did any religious order, claiming to be the Church, use instrumental music. The first organ was introduced by Pope Vatican I, in the Roman Catholic Church at Rome, in the year of 666 A. D. (Mosheims History)

5. The Primitive Baptists, sometimes called Old School Baptists, object to copying after anyone except Jesus Christ and the apostles.

6. Because the Jews used instrumental music in the old law is no reason why it should be used in the church today. The Old Law Covenant and all of its services are past. Hebrew 7, 12 "for the priesthood being changes, there is made of necessity a change also of the law." When the New Covenant was brought in, there was also a change of the way and manner of worship. Hebrew 7, 13: "In that he saith, a new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away." The Old Law Covenant and all of its ordinances were fulfilled by Christ and set aside. They have vanished away. The chief objections the Jews had against the Apostle Paul was that he taught the people to worship God another way.

7. Paul said, "For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God."Act 20, 27. The Apostle Paul is the Gentiles apostle, and he gave all the counsel of God to the church. The true Gentile church of Jesus Christ has never embraced the practice of the Jews. The kingdom was taken from the Jews because they would not heed the teachings of Christ and His apostles. The New Testament sets forth all the ordinances and services to be practiced by and in the church of Jesus Christ until time shall be no more! When people bring any of the law services over into the new and living way of worship, they say that Christ did not fulfill the Old Law and set it aside. Where this error is condoned it will blind the minds of Gods children.

8. We object to instrumental music because with this practice tithing is also taught and practices, which is strictly an Old Law Ordinance. The Jewish kingdom was a theocracy, and tithing was paying taxes to support the government. The worship of God and the state was one and the same under the Old Law Covenant. The New Covenant is entirely different; church and state are separate. The church of Jesus Christ is not of the world, not made up of worldly-minded people in nature! The church is the spiritual kingdom of Christ on the earth! Jesus Christ clearly set forth the separation of church and state. Jesus said, Render to Caesar (obey the law of the land) the things that are Caesars and to God the things that are Gods Mark 12,17.

9. We object to bringing any of the things of the Old law Service over into the church, because any tendency to go back under the Old Law Covenant will encourage consolidation of church and state.

10. The Primitive Baptists object to men trying to read things into the New Testament which are not there. It is not what is in the New Testament that has worried the church at times, it is the things that are not taught by Christ and His apostles. When men try to bring some of the Old Law Services over into the New Testament Church service and worship, the faithful bride of Christ will object! If it were wrong for the church to use instrumental music 1900 years ago, would it be right for her to sue it now? Who has the authority to change the sacred things of God? The Primitive Baptists confess that they do not have the right, neither will they usurp such authority. I trust these answers will give those who asked the question some light on the subject. Elder C. M. Mills The Primitive Baptist, February 7, 1952

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