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John 6:1
"After these things Jesus went over the sea of Galilee, which is the sea of Tiberias."
The 1st verse of the sixth chapter of John seems easy enough to overlook. It seems to speak about geography. But the focus of all Scripture is Jesus. The various titles given the Sea of Galilee are relatively inconsequential. If one calls that body of water the Sea of Galilee or the sea of Tiberias it doesn’t change the fact that it is indeed a body of water in this world. It is revealing that even though there was but one conspicuous body of water in that region, the inhabitants couldn’t agree to call it by the same name. Some even called it the lake of Gennesaret!
In like manner there were some that called Jesus one name and some another name. Some said He was the one that did the work of the chief of the devil, Beelzebub (see Luke 11:15). Some called Him a blasphemer (see Mark 14:64). He was accused of being one that perverted the nation (see Luke 23:2). Some called Him a malefactor (see John 18:30). Some believed He was the carpenter’s son (Mt. 13:55). Some called Him "that deceiver" (see Mt.27: 63). Jesus was called a Nazarene (see Mt. 2:23). And the common thought was that nothing good comes out of Nazareth (see John 1:46). Jesus was called a Sabbath breaker and one whom suffered from a superiority complex declaring Himself to be the Son of God and equal with God (see John 5:18). So some called Jesus derogatory names and others called Him the Christ the Son of the living God.
Regardless of what people may call Jesus, those called of Jesus hold the truth that without controversy Jesus was God manifested in the flesh and seen of some walking upon the Sea of Galilee or the sea of Tiberias. He died for the sins of His people and was buried and rose again the third day according to the Holy Scriptures. He was justified in the Spirit. He was seen of angels. He was shown raised and glorified and walking with those that He loved in this world. He was preached to the Gentiles. He is believed on in this world and was received up into glory. Great indeed is the mystery of godliness (see 1 Tim. 3:16)! How shall these facts be explained away? How can these facts be comprehended by those claiming only to possess a logical and reasoning mind?
How do some believe that they can lead men to understand and believe that God sent His only begotten Son into the world and persuade them to make Jesus, the Lord’s Christ, the Lord of their life? Men cannot even persuade other men to come to an agreement on what to call a body of water in this world! When Simon Peter said that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God, Jesus answered and said unto him, "Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven". So it still is today! That truth is not given to all men. Most men believe that there was a man born in Israel sometime ago named Jesus. Most acknowledge that He was crucified. But some may think of Him as just another man or perhaps a "good man". But there are others spoken of in the Scriptures, of these it is written: Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Those called "us" are the born again elect whom the Father loved with and everlasting love and with loving kindness shall draw unto Himself to heaven and immortal glory. Until that never ending day my prayer is that all with a hope in Christ will be found waiting upon the Lord with a thankful heart and a desire to grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, worshipping Him in Spirit and in truth, and rejoicing in His mercies which endure forever. 12/10/2006 Elder M. Hoogasian