Essential Baptist Principles Quill Selected Article Series
Editor : Elder Claude Mckee  1497 Bailee Way S. W. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265


August 1, 2004

Lollipop Salvation
Posted July 8, 2004 to the PBlibrary by Elder Brian Moore

While recently traveling to Tennessee, I turned the radio dial to a station that was dedicated to "Christian" broadcasting. I usually find myself easily troubled by the many heresies promoted on such stations and bypass them in order to keep myself from getting "worked up." However, on this occasion I decided to listen for a few minutes. What I heard could only best be referred to as Lollipop salvation!

The host of the program expressed the need for listeners to help fund the station. He explained to them that without their help the station would have to cease operation. He followed by listing the programming that they would no longer be able to receive and then turned things up a notch by telling them that without the station God would have one less means by which to reach the masses. He rambled on for a few minutes and then began to plea for even the smallest amount of donations. He acknowledged that he was aware that the average family couldn't send hundreds of dollars but that even the smallest amounts would aid the cause of bringing salvation to the world.  He then used a most interesting story. He recounted an experiment that had been conducted with his "Children's Church" ministry. Upon his request the students each brought a quarter to church with them on Wednesday night. The total value of the donation was somewhere in the neighborhood of nine or ten dollars. (The amount escapes my memory) Nonetheless, he then took the money and with each quarter he purchased two lollipops and then gave each child two lollipops at the next Sunday morning meeting. He then informed the children that they could eat only one of the lollipops and that they must share the other lollipop with a friend who did not know Christ. They were also instructed to bring this child to church with them on the following Wednesday nights meeting. In his closing remarks he reiterated the need for even the smallest donation and then subtly explained how eleven new souls gave their heart to the Lord all because of a child's quarter that following Wednesday night.

It is indeed sad that this type of man made religion is so appealing to the masses but then again the truth has never been popular. During the entire "sales pitch" little if any was actually said about our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the emphasis was placed on what "you" could and needed to do. This account, which I have just mentioned is the doctrine of Arminianism in its vilest form. It is foolish, false and heretical. It is a house that is built on sand, its foundation is filthy lucre and its doctrine relies on means and instrumentalities. It is not the doctrine of God!

God's doctrine is pure and as white as the drippings of snow, it is built on a solid foundation, and the contents are truthful portions of faith, hope and charity. It is fortified with grace and mercy and best of all…. it endures forever!

Lollipops on the other hand are tainted with artificial colorings, they are attached to a small paper stick, their contents include sugar and starch which have been known to rot your teeth out and after about 283 licks there isn't anything left but a stick!

Yours in precious hope,
Elder Brian Moore