Essential Baptist Principles Quill Selected Article Series
Editor : Elder Claude Mckee  1497 Bailee Way S. W. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265



Elder Marty Hoogasian

Somewhere in South Dakota I am told, is a mountain that bears the resemblance of 4 presidents of the United States. That carved out mountain has not always been there. Men carved it. I have not personally seen it with my own eyes. I have every reason to believe it exists. I don't need to go to school to learn about it. I didn't need to study an atlas to be convinced that it exists. I have heard from a host of witnesses that it does in fact exist. Some of them have actually been there and seen it. I have no desire or need to prove the fact true myself. I suppose it isn't that important to me.

I have never been confused about whether I visited that mountain. I understand there is another mountain being fashioned into a likeness of Chief Geronimo. If I were to happen across that mountain I doubt that I would think it to be Mount Rushmore. I would see an Indian on a horse not four presidents. Mount Rushmore is unique.

Now here is a marvelous thing. God has a Kingdom in this world. He Himself set it up. It shall never be destroyed. That Kingdom shall not be left to other people. It shall break in pieces and consume all the other kingdoms and shall stand forever. It is likened to a stone cut out of the mountain without hands (see Daniel 2: 44 & 45).  This Kingdom has been here for 2 thousand years. It is spoken of in Scriptures and its manifestation was anticipated. It is unique and distinguishable from all other kingdoms. Apparently, as unique as the Church is some of those born again cannot discern it from the works of men.

When people ask me what Church I joined I am often dumbfounded. There is only one Church. It is the Church that the Lord said He will build. It is apparent that education has nothing to do with finding the Church. The seminaries have given no chart or compass to steer God's elect to the Lord's Kingdom here on earth.  The commentaries in Study Bibles direct no one to desire the narrow way that leads to the Lord's Church. All the collective wisdom manifested from Bible Studies have brought the participants no closer to the error of their undertaking or encouraged the members to take one step in the walk of newness of life.

I conclude that to some of God people coming to the Church, the Kingdom of God, the stone cut out of the mountain without hands, is muck like Mt. Rushmore to me. They have no desire to prove the fact themselves. The difference is that Mount Rushmore can add nothing to me. It is just another work of man. I thank my Lord that I am not deceived or satisfied with man's works. 5/19/2005