Essential Baptist Principles Quill Selected Article Series
Editor : Elder Claude Mckee  1497 Bailee Way S. W. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265


July 1, 2004
"My kingdom is not of this world" (John 18:36).
From the Nugget series (#240) By Elder Ralph Harris

If this one fact were rightly taken into consideration by the religious world most of their erroneous notions with regard to the church and heaven would be eliminated.  The true church is not a worldly organization.  How could it then have a worldly headquarters?

Organized religion operates on worldly principles, and is like any other big business.  It requires a worldly plan of operation and a worldly headquarters, from which all its worldly edicts are issued and through which all its worldly programs are funded and directed.  This requires thousands of employees, tremendous office space, and millions of dollars, much of which is consumed in keeping up the bureaucracy.

The true church has never required any such machinery.  It is a spiritual kingdom.  Its Head (the Lord Jesus Christ) is in heaven and thus its headquarters are in heaven.  It is governed by His inerrant Word, which was given by divine inspiration (II Tim. 3:16 & II Peter 1:21), and is a thorough furnisher unto all good works.

If the religious organizations of the world were driven into the dens and caves of the earth by persecution, most of their works (which they account good and necessary) would have to be left behind, for they could not drag along their organization with them.  All their human means and instrumentalities would be effectively stymied.  But not so with the Lord's church; it would continue to function essentially as it had before.  Its simple form of worship, consisting of preaching, praying, and, when possible, singing, would continue the same, as would the ordinances of baptism and the Lord's Supper.  Truly, this is a kingdom that none can see, nor enter, except those who are born of the Spirit (John 3:3,5), and even among that class there are many who never live in this militant institution, though some of them are not far from it (See Mark 12:34).    ---Elder Ralph Harris