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  Editor : Elder Claude Mckee 1497 Bailee Way S. W. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265


One Hundred Years Ago
(From Gilbert Beebe Editorials, Volume 5, Page 102)

One hundred years ago there was not a single white man in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, or Illinois territories. Then what is now the most flourishing part of America was as little know as the country around the mountains of the Moon. It was not until 1769 that the hunter of Kentucky, the gallant and adventurous Boone, left his home in North Carolina to become the first settler of Kentucky. The first pioneer of Ohio did not settle until twenty years after that time.

An hundred years ago Canada belonged to France, and the whole population of the United States did not exceed a million an a half people.

An hundred years ago the great Frederick of Prussia was performing those great exploits which have made him immortal in military annals, and with this little monarchy was sustaining a singe handed contest with Russia, Austria, and France, the three great powers of Europe combined.

An hundred years ago the United States were the most loyal of the British Empire, and on the political horizon no speck indicated the struggles which in a score of years thereafter established the great Republic of the world.

An hundred years ago there were but four newspapers in America—with a combined circulation not exceeding three thousand; steam engines or cylinder presses had not been imagined, and railroads and telegraphs had not entered into the remotest conceptions of man. When we come to look back at it thru the vista of history, we find that to the century which has passed has been allotted more important events in their bearing upon the happiness of the world that almost any other era that has happened since the creation. A hundred years hence—who can foretell our developments.

Middletown, N, Y.
December 15, 1861

Next Hundred Years (1861-1961)

Just think of all the changes since Elder Beebe wrote his editorial in 1861.

The civil war was fought, ending in 1865. Slavery was abolished. The homestead act of 1862 opened the western land to settlers, spurring the growth of the new nation toward the pacific ocean. The first Gasoline automobile was developed in the 1890's with the first affordable car being sold in 1927, the Model T.

Two world wars were fought with many life's lost. The Atomic bomb was invented and used in war. The airplane was developed and by 1962 you could fly from New York to Los Angeles in 6 hours. America was endeavoring to fly to and come back from the moon. In February 1962, John Glenn orbited the earth and returned safely

Although Elder Beebe didn't mention the Baptist changes in his one hundred years. The Baptist split ocurred around 1830 and the missionary faction continued to change in doctrine and practice. Around 1900 a Progressive movement began among the Primitive Baptist. The effects of this movement has been dealt with off and on through out the twentieth century. The progressive spirited Baptist introduced new practices such as: musical instruments, bible classes, worldly outreaches, men, woman and youth social functions and lax discipline.

The next one hundred years (1961-2061) is more than half way to completion. I will just mention the trip to the moon and back; the explosion in technology ,and if continued, will change things so much that in 2061 it will be amazing. Only the Lord knows what is ahead.

The Scriptures say "for His mercy endureth forever". That gives us hope that if his people are willing and obedient, he will Bless future generations, even in the mist of all the changes in the world, there will be a small band of people following in his footsteps. Elder Claude McKee