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From the Bits and Pieces series (#536) by Elder Ralph Harris
Peace with God is a most priceless jewel, something to be cherished by the high, the low and the great, for the day will come when we must part this life, to take up our abode in an eternal kingdom. So while here on earth as tempest-tossed pilgrims, how wonderful it is to have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. We may suffer great afflictions while here for Christ's sake. Persecutions, false accusations and opposition from enemies of truth may be our lot, nevertheless, God has promised to be with His people in every trouble, and we therefore take consolation in the fact that our Lord has been here, was crucified by the hands of wicked men, and has risen again for the complete justification of all that God the Father gave Him, having imputed their sins unto Himself, paying the penalty of sin in full, not leaving the stain of sin charged to any of the elect family of God. How wonderful, how complete is the work of Jesus. Certainly if He had not blotted out our transgression with His own blood, the wrath of an offended God would have been on us. We could not have atoned for the slightest sin, but Jesus could and did take the whole load upon Himself. We were hopelessly in debt with nothing to pay, no righteousness of our own, just vile and corrupt sinners by nature and by practice. Yes, justification is through His precious blood, and not by works, good or bad. ---Elder Burton Rawls, 1941