Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

Volume 11 Current Article  July 1, 2012 issue 7

Editor : Elder Claude Mckee  1497 Bailee Way S. W. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265

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In the latter part of 1950 we received a letter from the Sociology Department of the Florida State University, Tallahassee, Fla., requesting a short article (limited to so many words) on the organization of our church (Primitive Baptist) and of our belief. We sent the letter to Elder C. M. Mills, Charlotte, N. C. Brother Mills wrote the following article: You can ascertain from reading Brother Mills' article the points they were especially interested in--Mrs. C. H. Cayce.

The New Testament Church of Jesus Christ was constituted and made up of believers in Jesus Christ, who upon confessing their sins and bringing forth fruit, meet for repentance, were baptized by John the Baptist. The Original Church was a baptized assembly of believers, called out to serve and obey God by obeying the teachings of Jesus Christ; and were, thereby, separated from the worldly throngs of people. These people have always held most sacred the Holy Scriptures. We believe that all the Old and New Testament, which has been translated into the English tongue, in what is known as the King James Version, is of Divine Inspiration. We believe the record of Creation given in Genesis to be true; because, when Jesus Christ, the Son of God, recognized Moses, He also, recognized his writings, Luke 24:27: "And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself." If we say that Jesus Christ, who was verily God, and verily man, did not know the truth, to whom shall we go? Christ began with the writings of Moses, which record reaches back to the beginning of God's Creation.

The Old Testament testified and prophesied that Christ was coming and would redeem His people from the law of sin and death. The Old Testament writers recorded not only the good, but, also the evil things they did in that day and age, and how they suffered for so doing. The New Testament testifies that Christ has come and redeemed His people, and has established a new way of worshipping God.

As the New Covenant has been brought in, there has been also a change of the priesthood. Hebrews 7: 12: "For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the Law." Under the Old Law Covenant, Israel had a natural king. The New Covenant is spiritual; therefore, Spiritual Israel has a Spiritual King, which is Jesus Christ the Lord, who is reigning Lord of lords and King of kings. He is head, the only head, over all things to the Church.

The Ordinances and Commandments of Christ will not beset or hinder any child of God from living an upright moral life in the land in which he lives. The sacred principles Jesus Christ taught His Church are the highest form of civilization ever known on earth. The Church is separate from the world. Therefore, we believe that Church and State are separate. The true Primitive Baptists recognize only one reason or cause for a man to put away his wife and marry another and be able to retain membership in the Church and that is adultery [fornication]. Christ clearly so states in Matthew 19:9. We believe all mankind is under the Moral Law of God, but only those born of Christ come under the Spiritual Law of Christ. The Spiritual Law of Christ does not conflict with the Moral Law of God. If men will not obey the Moral la w of God, they will not respect the Spiritual Law of Christ governing His Kingdom, which is His Church.

The Primitive Baptists believe the Church is referred to in the Scriptures in a broad or triumphant sense, which includes all of God's elect. These people, Jesus Christ has redeemed by His blood, out of every kindred, and tongue, and people and nation in all ages of the world. Ephesians 5:25: "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it." This love is Special and not Universal. No man has the right to love another woman as he loves his wife. We do not believe that Jesus Christ died in ignorance, not knowing whether or not He was redeeming His Church. He knew all of them who had lived on the earth, who were then living, and foreknew all who would live, that would make up the Triumphant Church or Assembly, which will finally be carried to Heaven and Immortal Glory. Romans 8:33-34: "Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth. Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea, rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us." The Triumphant Church stands justified from the damning powers of the law of sin and death by the blood of Jesus Christ. Romans 5:9: "Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him." We believe the Holy Spirit will call each and everyone God foreknew, with an Holy Calling, which will raise them out of a state of sin and death to a state of life in Christ. In this New Birth, the children of men vitally and actually partake of His Divine Nature. Thereby, they are made the children of God.

The Church is more often referred to in the Scripture as the militant or organized body of believers, who are obeying and observing the teachings of Jesus Christ. The Greek word, Akklisia, means, "the called out," an assembly of believers in Christ separated from the worldly multitudes of people, For the purpose of offering up Spiritual Sacrifices of praise to God by Jesus Christ. The Militant Church is identified by Her faith and practice. We do not believe all of God's children publicly profess their faith in Jesus Christ, but we believe it is better for them to do so. Many of the Jews believed on Christ but were scared to acknowledge or profess it for fear of being turned out of the Synagogue. The identity of the Militant Church was not with them, but was with those who publicly professed repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ by openly following Him in precepts and examples and by obeying His teachings. We believe the identity of the Militant Church was at that time and still is with those who are obeying and observing the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Apostles as set forth in the New Testament, Even today.

We believe Jesus Christ set up His Church during His personal stay on earth. Matthew 5: 1-2: "And seeing the multitudes, He went up into a mountain: and when He was set, his disciples came unto Him: And He opened His mouth, and taught them, saying." Read the fifth, sixth and seventh chapters of Matthew. The things Christ said were to a separate people. Not one word was said to the multitudes when He was setting in order the things to be practiced in and by His Church. Which is His Spiritual Kingdom on earth. We believe Christ was teaching His Church. If not, whom was He teaching? The solemn duty to obey His teachings rests upon His Church even today. Christ called His kingdom the Kingdom of Heaven. This Kingdom is not Heaven itself, but is a Kingdom set up by the authority from Heaven, having an heavenly nature. We believe the subjects who make up the Militant Church are in possession of Divine, Spiritual, and Eternal Life. They are partakers of His Divine Nature, which nature can come only from Divine life.

We do not believe that, Jesus Christ left His Church to grope in the darkness of despair and ignorance after He was crucified, Jesus Christ revealed Himself by many infallible proofs to His Church and people during the forty days after His resurrection from the dead, before ascending up into Heaven. .Jesus told His apostles to tarry at Jerusalem until they received power from on high ~-- not go and try to preach in their own strength. On the tenth day after Jesus was received up into Heaven, the Holy Ghost came with a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. The Church has been baptizing and observing the Ordinances of Jesus Christ ever since under the Divine Authority of the Holy Ghost. Men are enabled to preach the Gospel by the Holy Ghost sent down from Heaven. We believe Jesus Christ set up His own Church. He did not have it done! He did it Himself!

We believe Christ set up the Church on earth for a home where His children can obey and serve their God, and be protected from false doctrines and false practices while so doing. We do not believe God carries each and every one of His children to Heaven when He saves them. Many will be carried to Heaven without ever knowing anything about the Militant Church on earth. Those who die in infancy and the idiot and such are members of the Triumphant Assembly, the Great Innumerable Host that makes up the Triumphant Church that will finally be carried to Heaven. The Grace of God covers, preserves and will deliver them from death and the grave to a glorified state in the very image of Jesus Christ.

Surely, God's children need a home to live in while they remain on earth. The Church is that home! God gave the land of Canaan to the natural Jews for a home while they lived on the earth. As long as they obeyed God, it went well with them. Because, God fought their battles and blessed them in many ways. But, when they trampled the law of God under foot and treated Him with contempt, they suffered His judgments and wrath. They even forfeited their right to live in Canaan's land. God gave them this land four hundred years before they ever possessed it. God delivered them from Egyptian bondage. Then they were free to live in their own land. We believe God delivers His children from the bondage of sin and death before they are free to live in the Church of the New Testament set up by Jesus Christ.

The natural land of Canaan was a type of the Spiritual Kingdom of Christ, His Church. Many of the Israelites lived and died away from home, but they lived and died Israelites. Many of the Spiritual Israelites, the children of God, live and die away from the Militant Church, but they live and die the redeemed and regenerated children of God! All of the redeemed family of God will, finally, be carried to Heaven, but only a remnant of them ever enjoy the Militant Church on earth. The only place on earth the child of God can live and be at home is in the Militant Church. The Israelites who tried to live in some other land other than Canaan were absorbed by the nations, and they lost their identity. The children of God today, who try to follow the world, will be absorbed by the world and lose their identity and freedom. Because, they will become captured by false doctrines and false practices and lose the rest and peace of soul that is found only in the Militant Church, which is the only Spiritual Home set up on earth for His children to live in until they are carried to their eternal home in Heaven.

We believe Christ is the Rock or Foundation on which the Church is built. Matthew 16: 13-18. When Jesus came into the coast of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, "Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?" What is the common report among the rank and file of the people? Only a very few people knew that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Most of the people saw Him just as an ordinary man, but His disciples saw Him differently. And they said, "Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some Elias; others Jeremiah, or one of the prophets." None of these men could atone for and put away sin, nor did any of them make such claims. He said unto them: "But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God." How did Peter and the rest of the apostles know that Jesus was the one God anointed to atone for the sins of His people and to justify them from the wrath of the law of sin and death? "And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for (because) flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in Heaven." "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon This Rock I will build my Church; (not have it done, but build it Myself) and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." What Rock did He mean? This Rock, which was Christ, and Him revealed in the hearts of His children, by God the Father. How did the Apostle Paul know Christ? By God the Father revealing His Son in Him. All that ever have or ever will know that Jesus is the Christ, God the Father reveals it unto them. 1st Cor. 10:4: "And did all drink of the same Spiritual drink: for they drank of that Spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ:" 1st. Cor. 3:11: "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." "No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost." That is, to know it in their own hearts, and not just have historical knowledge about it. God the Father is revealing in the hearts of His children that Jesus is the One He anointed to atone for, and put away the sins of His people by the sacrifice of Himself. By the solemn convictions of heart, they reverence Jesus Christ by a Godly fear, prompted by the Spirit of love, because the love of God is shed abroad in their hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given us.

Christ is the Rock of Ages and the Foundation on which the Church is built. No wonder the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church. All of the persecutions that the Church has passed through have proven this fact. Persecutions have not, nor will not prevent God from revealing in the hearts of His children that Jesus is the Christ, the Anointed of God, the Saviour, and only Saviour of poor sinners. The Primitive Baptist Church has always stood on this Rock and will remain until Jesus Christ returns to carry His people Home to Glory.

We believe the New Testament sets forth all the Sacred Ordinances and Duties of the Militant Church, which she is duty bound to obey, observe and practice, until time shall be no more: Jesus Christ said, Luke 6:4G: "And Why call ye Me Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say!" Perhaps many cry unto Him, and call Him, Lord, Lord, out of the solemn convictions of their hearts but are reluctant to do the things which He set forth for His Church to practice and observe. The true Primitive Baptists do not believe they should hold to and practice things never authorized or mentioned by Christ and the Apostles. Many ask why? The things some one else said do are neither better nor as good for us as the things Christ Himself said do. Why then call Him, Lord, Lord, and pray and plead before Him if someone else is as important as Christ? The Apostle said: "The gods of this world hath blinded their minds." We believe it is far better for God's children to recognize and acknowledge Christ Jesus, who is the only Law Giver to His Church, and spend their time and energy doing the things He set forth Himself.

We believe Baptism, which is immersion in water, to be an Ordinance given to the Church by God the Father and observed by His Son Jesus Christ and by others under His Divine authority while He was on earth. "For in Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily."

The Communion Supper, which was the last Ordinance Christ set up in His Church, took place shortly before He went to the Cross and shed His blood for many for the remission of sins. That night after the Communion Supper, He gave the example of feet washing to His Church. This was the last thing He did before they left that large upper room. Jesus said to His apostles, who were first in the setting up of the Church, John 13: 13~ 18: "Ye call Me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. If I then your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done unto you. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his Lord; neither He that is sent greater than He that sent Him. If ye know these things, happy are ye if you do them." The Gentile Church was observing this example about thirty years after Christ was crucified. (See 1st. Timothy 5:9, 10) We believe the New Testament perfectly furnishes His Church with all she should hold to and practice while on earth. We do not charge Jesus Christ with deficiency by adding other things not mentioned by Him nor His Apostles. The Church is duty bound to do the biddings of Jesus Christ and to let all other things not taught and set forth in the New Testament alone in the worship and service of God.

The first three centuries, the followers of Jesus Christ were called Christians, by their enemies, by the way of derision. During the persecution of the followers of Christ, 248 A.D., many of them publicly denounced their faith in Him and left the Church. When this persecution was over, Cornelius, who was pastor of the Church at Rome, began to receive back into the Church those who had publicly denounced the Lord and His Church, without showing any spirit of repentance and publicly confessing their wrongs. This caused a schism in the Church. Those who believed in strict discipline were in the minority, and later were called Anabaptist by those who opposed them. These people did not recognize the baptism of those who had left the Apostolic faith and practice. They baptized all that came to them. This name together with others followed this people until after the Reformation. Not all who were called Anabaptist in that day were Primitive Baptist, neither are all that are called Baptist today, Primitive Baptists. England's Act of Parliament in 1603, (Walls History of Baptism) authorized the Church of England to sprinkle for Baptism, but the Primitive Baptists continued in the Apostolic practice, and those who continued in the original practice were called Baptizers or Baptist, and are so called until this day. Until the year of 1311, when the Roman Catholic Council of Ravenna, Italy, first authorized sprinkling or pouring for Baptism, immersion in water was practiced by all religious bodies.

What is the position of the Primitive Baptists in respect to Science? We believe in true Science, but refrain from falsely so-called Science.

What is the position of the Primitive Baptists in respect to Modern Recreation, such as dancing? The Church is not a carnal play-house. Therefore, we stand aloof from all such. Dancing will cause a falling away and decay of the Sacred Worship of God. The House of God is not a house of folly.

Concerning Social Problems? The best Old Age Social Security is for the parents to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. In so doing the child will honor and respect their parents, and provide for them in their Old Age. Social equality, as some want it, can never be attained on the earth. The believer is not in harmony with an infidel, neither are honest men in harmony with liars. Men must be able to choose their associates. We believe it is the duty of all men to be honest, upright, and truthful in their dealings with their fellowmen, and to live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world. If more clean moral teachings by example and by word, and it heeded, this problem would be solved. No worthwhile teaching comes from an immoral teacher.

Concerning Wars? We do not believe in encouraging wars between Nations. However, we do not refuse to bear arms, as loyal citizens of these United States under its Constitution.

Concerning Juvenile Delinquency? The shifting of the responsibility of the parents for the child will only make bad matters worse. This sad situation has not come about all at once and cannot be cured over night. The Home, the Schools, and the Christian Societies are to be muchly blamed for this sad condition existing in our land. Children in a moral sense will follow the examples set before them in a great measure. Parents cannot be Adulterers, Fornicators, and Drunkards without tearing up the Home, and scattering their children. This loose way of living is condoned by many of the Christian Societies and by some of the Schools, which tends to bring about a decay of our civilization. How can we expect the child to live above the examples set before them? No community, City, or Nation has ever risen above its morals. When the men and women of this fair land, will be honest enough to keep their marriage vow, which they took before God and man, this problem will be solved. 3130 Central Ave, Charlotte, N. C. -Copied from 'For The Poor', February, 1952, page 53.

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