Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

Volume 13 Current Article October 1, 2014 issue 10

Editor : Elder Claude Mckee 1497 Bailee Way S. W. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265

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(Reprint from the Pathway of Truth, August, 1988)

Almost every religion teaches that the man or woman by nature is an heir of hell. Children are excluded. They teach that we are born heirs of heaven but at some age in life we automatically become heirs of hell. Then some change must be made before we become heirs of heaven again. How great a change is not fully agreed upon, but we must be changed.

The Scribes and Pharisees recognized this fact in the days of Christ. But, their opinion of how they were changed did not harmonize with Christ's teaching. The Pharisees were supposedly made heirs of heaven by making proselytes, that is by bringing them into obedience to the law and themselves as lawyers. The Scribes and Pharisees went to great pains to make proselytes, even so far as to go far over land and sea to carry on their work.

Now, what would have been their theme as they went preaching at home and abroad? It must have been the law. The law commences by commanding respect for God. So, they must have begun to describe God and then demanding respect and obedience to Him. This sounds good doesn't it? It is good, but it doesn't make heirs of heaven out of heirs of hell. Now, if it does not make heirs of heaven, but it does make a difference in the person being worked upon, in what direction is the difference? Does it make him less a child of hell than before? No! If so we would just keep on and on until we made him less and less then, surely, eventually he would become an heir of heaven. If any change is made it would be for the worse. An heir of hell, when left alone, acts like a child of hell. An heir of hell acting like and heir of heaven is a hypocrite and deceives the true heirs of heaven. It is of no eternal advantage to him whatever and often brings grief to the church. The apostle Paul who was perfect in law righteousness counted it of no advantage to himself and to the church, distress. "He that is unjust let him be unjust still and he which is filthy let him be filthy still..."

Christ taught that a man must be born again in order to be made an heir of heaven. Christ's apostles taught the same thing by saying "... you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and in sins." "By grace--not of works." "By washing of regeneration." "Justified by His blood." All teaching that it is God that changes, God that cleanses and God that justifies. Modern Pharisees are compassing land and sea; they are making many proselytes. Their aim is to make heirs of heaven out of heirs of hell. They carry with them a law which they call gospel. They change many with the means they have. I am satisfied that the results today are no different than it was in the day of our Lord. E. B. Watts Written October 8, 1952

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