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Elder Ralph Harris
When the apostle Paul told the Corinthian brethren that he had begotten them through the gospel (I Cor. 4:15) he did not mean that he was in any sense responsible for, or even instrumental in, their spiritual birth or regeneration, but he meant that he had begotten them to the truth through the gospel. And, we may be sure that he realized God had previously made them receptive of that gospel.
The gospel is never instrumental in anyone's regeneration, but it is instrumental in enlightening and instructing in the truth those who have already been given divine life by the Spirit of God. Christ has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel (II Tim. 1:10). It feeds those who "hunger and thirst after righteousness" (Matt. 5:6). It is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that "believeth"; that is, to those who are already believers (See Romans 1:16). It does not profit unbelievers. "It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save (to the truth) them that believe" (I Cor. 1:21).
Consequently it is not the preached word that brings about the new birth, but rather the Living Word (Christ) who "abideth forever" or "endureth forever." "And this is the word (that is, the Christ) which by the gospel is preached unto God's people (See I Peter 1:23,25). Neither the preached word nor the written word abides or endures forever, but the Living Word does.
"The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness" (I Cor. 1:18). "Them that perish" is another way of saying, those who are dead in sin. Such people cannot spiritually hear the word of Christ (See John 8:43). It is only "unto us which are (already) saved" that the gospel is "the power of God" (See again I Cor. 1:18). The proclamation of truth is of great value to "the poor" (Luke 4:18), that is, to those who have no righteousness of their own to plead, but to those who have no divine life in them (John 6:53) it is foolishness, and they will not receive it. ---Elder Ralph Harris