Essential Baptist Principles™
As taught in the Holy Scriptures |
Volume 6 Current Article | December 1, 2007 | Issue 12 |
At the time the following article was published in 1971 the reference to the
name Primitive Baptists in general pointed you to the true church of Christ.
However, starting in the 1990s there began a departure in faith and practice by
many Primitive Baptists who while they retained the name Primitive Baptists
would not now be legitimate Primitive Baptists. Therefore the seeker of the true
church should be aware of this fact. Many of those that became dissatisfied with
what they joined have changed their doctrine and practice; but they have not
changed their name as they should have. Even some Progressive Primitive Baptist
churches have now dropped the progressive name and are claiming to be orthodox
Primitive Baptists. Because of this turn of events, we believe it imperative to
publish the truth about the matter. Thankfully there are still some true
Primitive Baptists churches which have not changed their doctrine and practices.
Some of these churches have been referred to as Old Line Primitive Baptists but
an examination needs to be made of churches calling themselves old line; because
as could be expected some of the new hybrid Primitive Baptists want to claim
that name also. As always, The Identity of the true Church is made by observing
the doctrine and practices and not by their name. If a church claims the name
Primitive Baptists but they practice having bible studies, or have a salaried
ministry, or support mission movements such as the Philippine and recent
Tanzania movements, or adheres to certain aspects of Calvinism; such as Calvins
theory of perseverance or that all the elect will hear and accept the gospel in
this life time;if they support any other auxiliary function of the church other than
necessary business or Special Council meetings and worship meetings consisting
of praying, singing without musical instrument accompaniment and preaching --
they are not the original Primitive Baptists. Editor Elder Claude Mckee
Why not have Seminaries for the ministry?
What about Salaries?
Is there not a cause? Certainly!
Why do the Primitive Baptists not have seminaries for the Education of their ministers? Why do they not have a salaried ministry? Is there not a cause? Certainly!
I feel these questions should be answered because both salaried ministers and seminaries have been in common use by denominations other than Primitive Baptist for the past two or three generations in America, So that people living in the present generations think that this has always been the practice. Let us go to Jesus Christ and his apostle for the truth. The reason the true gospel church has never recognized salaried ministers or seminaries is because neither is found in the New Testament scriptures and the Bible tells us in Revelations 22:18, 19: "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."
Remember his church on earth is a spiritual kingdom and must not be viewed on a professional basis like Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, or any other businesses that change sometimes for better but also many times, for worse. As proof, people changed the Temple worship from what the scriptures commanded to money changers and the selling of doves. Christ went in and used force in driving them out, and said, "You have made my house a house of merchandise and a den of thieves - my house shall be a house of prayer." Do you think that people can change the New Testament worship and ministry on commercial and professional basis today and not be brought into judgment sooner or later by losing the blessings that God promised in strict obedience?
The scriptures teach that the Lord above has the power and does call men to preach. The Lord called all the Apostles. Men and schools did not turn them into preachers - Some were educated but most had very little education. The Lord revealed his great power by showing the truths to them and they were made willing to be servants and their needs were supplied. Often they worked with their own hands to further the cause of their master and in order to have their daily needs supplied.… This way there is nothing to attract men in the ministerial field. They will only go by the compelling force of the leading of the spirit. This will make men get more education as preachers are commanded to teach. By studying night and day and praying, God will give them light and liberty. This means not only to preach the Bible as it is written but set forth the Biblical examples in everything they say and do by walking accordingly. The Bible teaches that the members of the body (The church) should help the ministers in their labors and assist them in their needs, but not hire or promise them a certain salary because this would make him a hireling and he would not have to walk by faith. How could he preach for his members to walk by faith when he asked for his keep to be assured ahead of time? The Apostles were the true pattern. The people helped them and cared for them many times. Paul worked with his own hands to take care of his own necessities, and those who went with him, and even paid rent for a place to preach. He did this that he might not be chargeable to any man. This way he could preach the truth of the Bible. Can you think of a better way to impress the people about the importance of true Bible worship and preaching the true gospel of Jesus Christ than to follow the pattern practiced by the apostles which were inspired of God?
The Apostolic church is known as the Baptist Church which goes back to the first gospel minister, John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ. The true church has been called by many names in the European countries prior to its coming to America in the eighteenth century.
In 1832, and a few years later in some places in the United States, the Baptist began to be known as the Old School Baptist or Primitive Baptist and the others took the name New School or Missionary Baptist. We believe the church called Primitive Baptist to be the true gospel church because of the name and practice being the original doctrine and practice set forth by Jesus Christ and his apostles. This is why they are called Primitive Baptist today, because of their true Bible practice without mission boards, auxiliaries, Sunday Schools, and youth organizations, salaried ministers, and seminaries, which the New Testament does not command. The Primitive Baptist church has had ministers from all walks of life. The history of the church shows that God has called and sent many very gifted men in the different walks of life and made them willing to preach the true gospel of the grace of God. There have been doctors, lawyers, judges, professors, engineers, merchants, business men, farmers, and other profession, many of whom were well advanced in their field when they experienced the call to the ministry. Many of them have continued in their work in a limited way to educate their children and care for their families so they would not be too much of a burden to the church in a financial way. Some of them helped the church in a financial way as they put their call to the ministry first.
Some men, very poor in this worlds goods, have turned out to be some of the most valuable servants in the ministry. This shows that God will provide a way for everyone that he calls to preach, but they must travel by faith and be faithful and abide in the calling where they have been called. This is the Bible way. The people known as the Primitive Baptists today are practicing this in their churches. You are invited to go and visit and see for yourself that they use the Bible as the only rule of faith and practice. This is the true identity of the Baptist Church as it is set forth by documental records written by the original churches and associational records used in this history. This is why we believe that the Old School Baptists, know to day as the Primitive Baptist, are the original and true Baptist by doctrine, precept and practice in the United States. Wiley Sammons