Essential Baptist Principles
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I know I sent this on the other forum sometime ago, but feel it's ok to resend at this time of the year
God bless all and I pray your holiday (4th of July) will go well and have a
safe one-and a good meeting this wk/end coming up--may the Lord bless and keep us all in his care--J. D. Morris
Just thinking out loud ---I have been thinking about all the wars that have been fought, and you Brethren have mentioned some, I know we
ought to thank God for all those that have gone on before us, who fought so bravely who weathered the storms of this life, who fought with
all the gusto they had, and I thank them for fighting the enemies of time that we could have peace, a country that we could live in and to
this day not be afraid to lay down at night and go to sleep, with out even thinking, about some Bomb being dropped on us, or all the
things some country's are faced with in this day and time.
But all the battles, they fought in, all the people both male and female, boys or girls, Mama's and Papa's could never give us eternal
life, they fought for timely life if you please. When they were either killed or died from disease, or from old age, or as some put it
Natural cause's, that was all they could do, they could not give one life eternal, they could not, rise from the dead, they could not, die
in your stead in order that you might even get eternal life. But I don't want to take anything away from these brave and courageous
people, but Merely want to say, that there was one who fought a battle far worse than any that we could comprehend, and this one- single
handily won this war- for he said -by his own right arm he brought salvation-
Our soldiers might overtake a city, or they might overtake a little piece of land, for the cause of freedom, but this one Called JESUS
took upon himself, the sin's of his people and gave them life and that they might have life more abundantly, we have the promise of
eternal life through him that won this war- he conquered death, hell, and the grave- the soldiers of all the other wars are still in the
grave awaiting the return of the Lord Jesus Christ- when he will call all who are in the covenant of grace- to come forth from the places
where they have been laid to rest. Some to eternal rest some to woe and misery. There were many mistakes made, in the strategy of war or
planning what to do in a war to overcome the enemy, but
not this one called Jesus, he knew what to expect, he knew what the enemy was up to, Satan, AND HE ALSO KNEW what it would take to
save his people. Jesus says no man taketh my life I have the power to lay it down and have power to raise it again, the other soldiers
didn't have that power. The other soldiers rode on horses, some in jeeps, some in many other forms of automotive vehicles- Jesus went on
the clouds of glory, and while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold two men stood by them in white
apparel. WHICH also said, ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same JESUS, which is taken up from you into
heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye see him go into heaven. IN other words brothers and sisters all the soldiers of yesteryears,
and up until now, can not, and will not, ever be able to do what this one lone soldier accomplished, and he is alive today, and they are
still asleep in the grave, he rose, from the dead, they can't, he gave eternal life, they couldn't, he came to seek and to
save that which was lost, they couldn't hardly keep up with a battalion, or a company of troops- oh what a glorious and brave soldier
he was--his name is JESUS- much more could be said, but I trust if I have erred in anyway, blame me but if anything that may bless you,
then Praise God from whom all blessings flow ==Bro Morris