Essential Baptist Principles |
Volume 3 Current Article | September 1, 2004 | Issue 9 |
Copied from the August, 1983 Issue of 'The Christian Baptist'
Your Questions Answered
(One of our readers has asked that I write some on the advisability of Primitive Baptist church parents, sending their children to denominational "Bible Schools" - churches of other faiths.)
I simply cannot understand why, a Primitive Baptist parent would even allow their children to attend -let alone send them to a so-called "Bible School" of a denomination that will surely teach that child religious heresies, and perhaps warp its mind on the most serious and vital subject in all of the world! It is doubtful that many parents really realize just what other denominations teach the children at such Bible Schools. It's certainly not just a "scouting" activity with fun and games. Sure, they will have some fun and games all right, but that's just to get their attention and respect - then they will give them a strong dose of their denominations religious teachings. All of the prayers will be Arminian in sentiment, all of the instructor's teachings, will center around the church's unscriptural doctrine and practice – and with all of this wrapped up in the name of goodness, and love, seasoned with some merriment and then sealed with a bit of chocolate cake and ice cream - the child will become convinced that that church has the best religion in the world. It will always remember the delightful experience. The chances are that if one allows their child to go to such places and become engaged in their activities, they will become blinded to real religion and Bible truths, and they may never be taught of God's word as they should be. It is easy to confuse enjoyment of carnal pleasures within the circle of religious atmosphere to be real and true religion. Almost all persons (including Primitive Baptists) tend to accept and support ONLY those things which they like.
The real need for our children's spiritual upbringing is to be taught the basic and important truths of the Bible in the home, by the parents, and then illustrated by the most convincing method of a godly walk by the parent; and then to take them to church each Sunday, where they can be taught the truth of God's Word by one of the faithful servants which the Lord has anointed to preach His truth. And if the parents would be faithful to do this much, and then impress upon their children's minds that the Lord's church and His truth is the most important thing they will ever be called upon to understand and follow in life, they can be assured that such will be of greater worth and importance to their children than anything else they can do for them. It will certainly beat anything that will be found in a so-called "Bible School" that any church may conduct.
Really, the thing which may appear most inviting to a parent to send their children off to such activities is the thought of having someone else assume the, responsibility to 'taking care of their children (while they take a break, or perhaps indulge some other pleasure - hoping that the child will be given some good instruction which they may have failed to provide.
The greatest need in a child's life, and the best way to supply it is in the following words from the Bible; "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6). This passage not only gives unexcelled wisdom and instruction - it contains a sure promise.
Repeatedly, I am asked about the problems which develop in families where the children have been taken to church faithfully but wind up either in a church of another faith, or in none at all - and maybe in a condition that they could not become a member of the Lord's church if they so desired. Well, every child may not heed the things which it has been taught. Some are tempted by one thing or another and remain faithful while others may give in and go along with most anything. But, beloved friends, it is one thing to have a youngster taught, or preached to, it’s quite another thing to be "trained," or brought up in given things! Often times what one is taught at church may be destroyed by what they see in others. The only proper, conclusion we can come to is this: If a child departs from the way he should go he has not had proper TRAINING. Let us remember that all training is not confined to what is received from parents. Some comes from associates at school (including so-called "Bible Schools"), at work, or at play. Temptation comes in different, ways, and from different sources.
Let us remember the slogan of the Catholic people: They say" "Give us your child until it is seven years old and it will never be anything but a Catholic." Early training is the MOST important that a child receives. Let’s not kid ourselves into thinking that we may send our kids off to another church for a while, then later correct them on the issues. -For the truth’s sake. S. T. Tolley