Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

Volume 7 Current Article  January 1, 2008 Issue 1

Editor : Elder Claude Mckee  1497 Bailee Way S. W. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265

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The Baptist Historian, David Benedict, who was a promoter of the Modern Missionary movement and all of its benevolent societies, solicited the views of Old Line Baptists of his day with the promise that the Old line view would be published in his history. He failed to carry out that promise. Starting on page 204, of Griffins History of Mississippi Primitive Baptists will be found several letters from the Elders of that time to Mr. Benedict. The following letter was written by Elder J. M. Watson of Tennessee. It is interesting to note that several of todays liberal, Spread the Gospel, promoters seems to ally themselves with Elder Watson and his book The Old Baptist Test. Elder Watson in speaking of the modern missionary practices said: he tried again and again to have fellowship for these things, seemingly so expedient, and for those who were so zealously engaged in them, but he could not. While he may have countenanced the practices for a time I believe that this letter he wrote to Mr. Benedict illustrates that Elder Watson finally remained and believed, just as Old Baptists always have, that the Gospel and its spreading is under the direct care and providence of God and not the Church or mans effort. God has not turn the Gospel and its power over to the church or any group of men. God still calls, qualifies and sends by the Power and influence of the Holy Spirit. Todays Primitive Baptist Missionary movement, under the guise of church sponsored missions, has fashioned a Golden Calf just as the New School Baptists did in 1830. Todays movement is money based just as much as the 1830 movement was; they have attempted to use the Church to camouflage their Golden Calf. Editor Elder Claude McKee



Elder J. M. Watson, of Tennessee, to Elder D. Benedict

"The Gospel was preached on the Lords plan [purpose] throughout the whole world, after the commission was given, but it was so done, under His special care and providence; and if his plan [purpose] does not carry it throughout all the world now, it is because his power and mercy are not put forth to the same extent; and not for the want of human power, human benevolence, and human institutions, as modern missionaries would have us to believe. None dare deny that the Gospel under its greatest general dispensation was withheld, at particular times, from particular countries.

The Gospel has not degenerated into the power of man, but is yet the power of God, and its going forth is according to Divine, and not human power. Nor have its spiritual blessings degenerated into human benevolence; therefore it still blesses with all spiritual blessings, according as the subjects were chosen in Christ before the world began, and not according to general benevolence. The blessings of the Gospel are communicated after having been made sure to all the seed, the elect, or chosen seed; not according as mans power, wisdom, or benevolence may devise, but according to the course of Gods grace and mercy on earth.

We are told that if we wait for the operation of Gods grace in this affair, the world will not be evangelized. Then, I suppose, we are not to wait in faith, praying unto the Lord to send forth more laborers, and for putting forth His power and mercy according to the Divine plan [purpose], but must devise plans of our own, and carry them out by human power, put forth, through human institutions, on the principle of general, human benevolence, at the cost of those millions of means, which the Scriptures know nothing of.

Thus we see that the missionary course now pursued, is calculated to lessen our confidence in the Divine plan [purpose], to oppose the operation of faith, in the providence of God, and to beget idolatry of heart, in relation to the institutions, and millions of money, which have been brought into requisition, to subserve the worlds plan. The Golden Calf of missionism has been fully set up, and much idolatrious worship has been offered up to it.

Besides all the foregoing, the modern missionary spirit is decidedly Arminian, in its course and tendencies - is disposed to compromise with all errors - is the bond of union for all religious shams and devices. It matters not to this spirit, whether it goes forth through a Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Pseudo-Baptist or Roman Catholic, in evangelizing the world. All unite in their means of human power, gold and silver, put forth through human institutions. Their machinery may differ somewhat, but it is to be feared, that the same spirit works them all. Moreover, this spirit has so little fellowship for the Lords way, so little regard for world- displeasing truths, that it seems to be on much better terms with [the] world, than with the unpopular truths of the Bible, which it shows far more good will to pervert, than to defend. Another characteristic of this spirit is, that in its efforts to evangelize the world, it looks more to the world for help, than to heaven.

It is very strange to look back and see how much opposition and how little help Primitive Baptists ministers derived from the world, and how much is now offered and given, professedly, for such service! Surely it cannot be the same Gospel, but is Another Gospel that the world has fellowship for, in like manner as have all its ministers.

Take particular and unconditional election, predestination and effectual calling, with many other things which most modern missionaries are wont to take, from the Gospel, and connect all its blessings with time contingencies, free will, free agency, and moral power, and the world will find no fault therewith neither will Satan oppose a Gospel of this kind, but on the contrary will espouse its cause, transform himself into an angel of light, and raise up missionaries in all denominations to propagate it, and bring all this worlds availables to help it on"

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