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From the Bits and Pieces (#419) series by Elder Ralph Harris
It is the teaching of many popular churches that an offer of salvation is made in the gospel to every sinner. That means, of course, that such an offer is made only to those to whom the gospel is preached. This implies that those who accept the gospel and believe it will be saved, while those who reject the gospel and disbelieve it will be damned, the salvation of the former being caused by their acceptance and the damnation of the latter by their rejection. We ask, if that be true what becomes of those who die without ever having heard the gospel? This class is a very great majority of the human family even if we admit that all is gospel, which is preached for gospel. They can't be saved if this theory be true, for they have had no offer of salvation to accept, and they can't be damned for they have had no chance to reject it. If neither saved nor damned where do they go? ---Elder John R. Daily, 1903.
No matter how the advocates of the above doctrine might answer Elder Daily's question they involve themselves in inextricable dilemmas. The preaching of the gospel, even the Arminian's version of it, has nothing whatsoever to do with anyone's eternal destiny. In the first place the true gospel can only be effectively preached to the poor in spirit (See Matt. 11:5, Luke 4:18 & 7:22) and in the second place it is for the edifying of the body of Christ, not for trying to convert dead sinners. And, it is for the perfecting of the saints, not for trying to make children of God out of reprobates (See Eph. 4:11-12).
Let us pray that those of God's elect who are currently enslaved by the religious systems of men may be delivered from that darkness, bondage, and delusion into the light and liberty of God's eternal truth. ---Elder Ralph Harris