Our God is great---supremely great,
Too great for human tongue to tell:
So great He made the numerous worlds...
And all He did---He did it well.

His greatness shines throughout the earth
In everything His hand has made:
He did it all by His great power
Without the slightest help or aid.

So great is He that He can speak
And bring to pass whate'er He please
Ev'n if it be to make the light
Or to divide the earth and seas.

So great is He that He can raise
The long dead from the sleeping tomb
Or make a long dry seed to grow
And flowers of spring to gaily bloom.

How great our loving God must be
To quicken those who're dead in sin...
To make them hate what they once loved
And praise Him for His grace within!

Yes, God is great, and He is good,
Just as the little children pray
For He supplies us daily bread
And keeps us all along the way.

His greatness all His saints may trust
To keep them till their lives are o'er
And then to take them home with Him
To praise His greatness ever more.

 Elder Ralph Harris  -  September 2001