
(See Psalm 136)

How feebly do we serve the Lord!
And all we do seems so impure:
Our only hope lies in this truth,
His mercy doth for e'er endure.

Our sins like mountains seem to rise
But God in Christ provides the cure:
Because of His undying love
His mercy doth for e'er endure.

We oft may drink a bitter cup
And feel quite low and insecure
Yet in this truth we may confide,
God's mercy doth for e'er endure.

When friends grow cold and prove untrue
This truth remains forever sure,
The Lord will ne'er forsake His sheep,
His mercy doth for e'er endure.

All earthly things will soon decay
And happiness we can't ensure
But in this promise we find peace,
God's mercy doth for e'er endure.

As we near death, as all must do,
And earthly joys are growing fewer
Great comfort will be found in this,
God's mercy doth for e'er endure.

When all is done and earth is passed
And we in heaven are secured
We then will rest in this great truth,
God's mercy hath for e'er endured.

Thin Line

Poem written by Elder Ralph Harris - September 1997