Jesus, Blessed Jesus
Published in The Old School Hymnal (1983)
Words and Music by Elder Ralph E. Harris
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My dear Jesus, blessed Jesus, What a grand and gracious theme!
Oh, the precious name of Jesus, What a bright and brilliant beam!
Oh, my Jesus, dearest Jesus; How I love to hear the sound!
Thou whose name is filled with music, May I in Thy love be found, Love be found
Precious Jesus, fairest Jesus, May I love Thee as I should
Thou art altogether lovely; Thou are altogether good.
Oh, sweet Jesus, wondrous Jesus; What great works Thy hands have wrought!
What great things for wretched sinners! Oh how precious is the thought, precious thought
Oh, thou gracious loving Jesus! Wouldst Thou raise me to Thy feet?
So that in such hallowed posture, Thy dear name I might repeat.
Jesus, Jesus, lovely Jesus, I would dwell before Thy throne,
Praying, praising, seeking finding; Ever humbly pressing on, Pressing on.
Oh, dear Jesus! My Lord Jesus, How I love to speak Thy name!
Thou art lovely on our mountains, In our valleys Youre the same
Precious Jesus, My dear Savior; Thou Thy Fathers darling Son;
How we hope one day to see Thee! When our race down here is run, race is run