Come unto me all ye that labour



    Jesus' Feet
         ( Martyn. 7s.)

Martha took him in her house,
  Cumbered much with every care
In her service she did toil
Yet she murmured in His ear
Care not what my burdens be?
Should Mary not serve with me?
Sitting at her Masters feet,
Mary found the mercy seat.

Troubles come recurrently,
Mary chose the needful thing
Tossed about with fits and starts,
Mary chose the one good part
Walking here we're found so weak,
Yet departing prone to leave
By his grace were brought to need
The peace from sitting at His feet.

By the word of His power
All that is, does still stand
Every village, every town
All the seas and all the lands
The fox has holes, the birds have nests
Jesus had no where to lay his head
Standing still now here we see
Salvation came by Jesus' feet.

Christ supplies our every need
He knows our thoughts before we speak
Pilgrims here the rest we seek
Will only come at Jesus' feet

10/16/2003 Elder Marty Hoogasian