


This once great country, free and brave,
Has surely lost its way:
It's now all right to break Gods laws—
But very wrong to pray.

To pass out contraceptives in
To teach (safe?) sex is quite all right—
But never dare to pray.

The devil preaches loud and long,
"From church you ought to stay:
The Lord is clearly not concerned—
It does no good to pray."

"Perverted lifestyles now are fine,"
Some leaders proudly say;
And then they go on Sunday morn—
And boldly claim to pray.

"What is the answer?" many ask
And this the Scriptures say,
"God's people ought to look to Him—
Return, repent, and pray."

This country rose to powr and might
With God's almighty aid,
Because good men, with noble hearts—
Bowed openly, and prayed.

Dear God, in mercy now come down
And move the clouds away;
Restore our souls, preserve our land—
And help us all to pray.

Elder Ralph Harris May 14, 1993

Thin Line