Help us, dear Lord, to trust in Thee
In all our times of woe,
That we may see Thy providence
Unfolding as we go.
O may we ne'er forget our need
Of Thy protecting care
To keep us from this evil world
And from the Devil's snare.
Bless us, dear Lord, from time to time
With Thy sweet presence felt
And touch us with Thy tender love
Our flinty heart to melt.
O may we ne'er be hardened, Lord,
In sin and waywardness
But when we fall give us the grace
To tearfully confess.
May we not run ahead of Thee
Nor try to walk alone
For then we'll surely go astray
And reap what we have sown.
May we repose our all in Thee
And lean upon Thy breast
For 'tis alone in Thee, dear Lord,
That we shall find true rest.
O may we then depart
With songs of praise upon our lips
And joy within our heart.
Elder Ralph Harris - October 1994
