Glod leaf

Afflictions of Zion
P. M.
(#696 in the Lloyd's Hymnal - #643 in The Good old songs)
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God, who rules the times and seasons,
Doubtless for the best of reasons,
Has been pleased to visit Zion,
With afflictions sore and trying.

When, O when will Christ the Saviour
come, his little flock to favor?
When, O when?

See of late the sad declension,
Bitter strife and fierce contention;
Fiery zeal and persecution,
Raging like the troubled ocean.

See the proud assuming spirit,
Some among us now inherit;
Striving who shall have dominion,
Slaves to popular opinion.

See the world and church uniting
In the work of proselyting;
Wood, and hay, and stubble bringing,
To build u the gospel kingdom.

See the train of "means and measures."
Filthy lucre, worldly pleasures;
Honor, titles, wealth , and numbers,
All combined to gain more members.

See the wide-spread desolations,
Churches and associations,
Once so happily united,
Now are like a house divided.

Christian fellowship and union,
Correspondence and communion,
All are sacrificed together;
Brother scandalizing brother.

Oh! it is a day of terror;
Dark and lowering clouds of error
Over devoted Zion hover;
Oh! when will the storm pass over?

   Thin Line