The artistry of God above
From all creation clearly shines
Through all the highest elements
And in the lowest, darkest climes.

 The feathered bird with colors bright
Adorned with beauty great and rare
Owes all its glory to the God
Who spreads the rainbows thru the air.

 Each sunset is a product of
That hand from whence all beauties flow:
It bathes the sky from pole to pole
With num'rous hues and shades of gold.

What beauty God hath with us blest
To give us pleasure midst our grief
For ne'er are troubles so severe
That beauty cannot bring relief.

 But though the earth and sky and sea
God's handiwork so well displays
The beauties of the world to come
Will far exceed these nether sprays.

 There'll be no scenes of ugliness
To mar the beauty of that place
And Oh what beauty it will be
To view our Saviour face to face!

 Elder Ralph Harris    -    July 1998

Thin Line