Bread on Water'Cast thy bread upon the waters'
(Eccles. 11:1)

 Cast thy bread upon the waters,
Though you understand not why;
You have God's unfailing promise,
You will find it by and by.

 Cast your bread upon the waters,
Though it may seem all in vain,
He has promised you will find it
After many days again.

 Cast your bread upon the waters,
It will never waste away,
For the Holy one has promised
You will find it one sweet day.

 Cast your bread upon the waters,
Though it seems very small
It will never passed unnoticed,
For He notes the sparrow's fall!

 Cast your bread upon the waters,
Help me, Lord, these words to heed,
And I know some day I'll find it
In my hour of greatest need!

Poem written by Bessie R. Kennamer
Copied from her book of poems Bread upon the Waters
Sister Kennamer passed away on October 20, 2003 being 106 years old