Christmas is a holiday which developed from the Roman Catholic church's  Christ's Mass . At one time most Baptists did not recognized December 25th as the true birth date of Jesus. In the Scriptural account of his birth it says that Shepherd's were tending their flocks which would lead one to believe that it was not December but rather another time of the year when the weather was more suitable for them to be doing so.

 Baptists however have always been thankful for the birth of Jesus  but contend that we should be thankful every day of the year for his coming into this world to do what the Father sent him to do, not putting one day above another in making a particular celebration day. Having said that we do feel the sentiment expressed in the poem below is timely and brings to our attention the magnitude of  worldliness that has been introduced into the holiday season. Editor

What is Christmas

The reason for the season has been lost in all the hustle and bustle. Christmas began as a time to rejoice in our dear saviors birth. God's only son whom he sent to earth to die for our sins.

I was thinking today as all the hundreds of shoppers madly rush to buy gifts they can't afford. How did all these worldly celebrations get into the birth of Christ? Where did the Christmas tree come from? I know the gift giving came from the three wise men bringing gifts to baby Jesus. But it has gotten completely out of hand. Why can't we celebrate with our family and friends and not burden our credit cards, with expense we can't afford?

Christmas is a warm wonderful time. I enjoy the fellowship and love we share with each other. But it has become a burden. We have turned the holiday* into a materialistic affair. Im afraid we have buried baby Jesus beneath all the paper, tinsel and confusion. He came to give us the greatest gift of all, his life. That someday we might live where peace, joy and love never ends. We need to re-evaluate our lives and replace the material extravagance with stories of the birth of our Lord Jesus , the greatest gift of all

*Author's original words "we have turned Christ's birthday"
Barbara McKee

Tinsel - seasonal poem