angel Trumpet


(Isaiah 60:8)

 What is this as a cloud found?
As doves to their window bound
Who are these with songs in heart?
That words can only utter part
These who put no stock in men
But in simplicity look to Him
Who died triumphing oer the grave 
Who from iniquity and sin were saved
Whove had the Son revealed in them
Who are sensible of their sins

 Christ who groaned upon the cross
Paid in full, sins dreadful cost
He who set the captives free
Are those loved from eternity 
Who are these blessed here below
But those whom God did foreknow
Predestinated He to be conformed
To whose image man was formed
Who reigns over both heaven and earth
Begetting His children by heavenly birth

Christs face within their hearts shine
The glorious light of God divine
These bodies in earth shall not remain
But be changed, raised, without sins stain
The last call comes with a shout
They shall as a cloud fly out
As doves fly to their perch
So shall they all with heavenly birth
Be freed from death, sin and pain
To never dwell with these again

To finally look upon His face
The fullness of amazing grace

 Thin Line

Poem written by Elder Marty Hoogasian