Give Me to Drink

Hath any brought him ought to eat?
How can He then be full?
What man hath added unto Him?
What owes He to this world?
Every creature owes to Him
Their existence here in time
The cattle of a thousand hills
He justly says are mine.

 If He were hungry would He say?
For man is vanity at best.
He asked a woman for a drink,
And suffered her protest.
Why asketh Thou, me a drink?
Why deal ye thus with me?
If shed known Gods gift and asked,
Hed gladly given her free.

Everlasting life, the streaming spring
Living waters to quench the soul,
She said, ye are helpless here to draw
The well is deep below.
Art thou greater than Jacob,
Whose blessed well we seek?
Jacob was but His vessel,
And one of our Lords sheep.

Whosever drinks of Jacobs well
Will surely thirsty stand.
But the water Jesus gives,
Shall quench the inner man.
Leaving there her water pot.
She went to the city then,
No longer satisfied with Jacobs well again.

He had meat that men knew not
Finished which He was sent to do,
When he saw all things accomplished
He fulfilled the scriptures too.
He said upon the cross, I thirst!
Vinegar and gall dispensed to him
Submissively gave up the Ghost
In three days he rose again.

How shall His Children rejoice today,
  In such a Precious Saviour?
Obedience is our earthly call
To walk in love a sweet smelling savour.
Blessed are some to worship,
To His ordinances they attend
But all the elect shall be taught of God
That their sins are forgiven.

Elder Marty Hoogasian